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Additional Residential Dwelling Units (ARDU)

A step-by-step guide for making a building permit application

An Additional Residential Dwelling Unit (ARDU) is a self-contained unit that is either located within or attached to the primary dwelling unit or located within a detached accessory structure, subject to zoning requirements.

Building permits help protect you, your home, and the interests of your community by making sure the project is structurally sound and follows the Ontario Building Code, municipal zoning and other applicable laws.

There are several important factors you need to consider before adding an additional residential unit, including:

  • Zoning bylaw requirements
  • Designing your unit to comply with the Ontario Building Code
  • Necessary building permits

There are multiple steps to the building permit process. This guide highlights the building permit process. 

If you have questions about the requirements for a municipal civic address, please contact our Geographic Information Systems Division at 519-426-5870 or email

Building Permit process

  1. Basement to the primary dwelling unit.
  2. Interior, additional residential dwelling unit up to 75 m2 useable floor area.
  3. Detached for the primary dwelling unit up to 75 m2 useable floor area.

Refer to Norfolk County Zoning Bylaw for conditions on the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a property.

In many instances, approval from other agencies is required before a building permit can be processed and issued. The Building Department does NOT administer these approvals. The fastest way to obtain a building permit is to ensure that all other required approvals are completed before the permit application.

An Applicable Law Checklist is required as part of a complete application. Agency contacts are attached to this form. Our community mapping has many of these layers mapped to help you determine if additional approvals are required for your application. 

Zoning Requirements

Finding the zoning associated with your property is easy with our GIS Community Web Map; position your property and turn on the zoning layer by clicking layer list, planning, and zoning.

Norfolk County Zoning By-law is available online.

Screenshot of GIS mapping tool

  • Additional Residential Dwelling Units (ARDU) are permitted in the following zones: urban residential zones (R1 to R6), residential hamlet zones (RH), and agricultural zones (A). 

To confirm your project conforms to the Zoning By-law, you will need to provide a plot plan indicating the following: 

  • Property lines and lot dimensions,
  • Location of building and all other structures on the lot,
  • Location of all steps and landing,
  • Distance from dwelling to property lines
  • Parking spots with dimensions,
  • Location of septic systems

A planning application will be required if your proposed building or structure does not comply with the zoning requirements. Zoning and Planning approval is required as part of a complete permit 

Zoning Restrictions for an Additional Residential Dwelling Unit (ARDU).

  • An ARDU is not permitted in a building or structure that is considered non-conforming.
  • ARDU is not permitted in a vacation home or any other dwelling intended for vacations or seasonal short-term accommodations
  • ARDU is not permitted in a farm building or an on-farm diversified use
  • ARDU is not permitted on any lot until the main building or use has been established 
  • For a detached ARDU, useable floor and lot coverage is in addition to the permitted usable floor area and lot coverage permitted for accessory structures in the applicable zone/
  • ARDU shall not occupy any “front yard” or “required exterior yard” in an R1, R2, R3, R4, RH zone. An ARDU shall not occupy any part of a “required front yard” in an A zone.
  • An ARDU shall have its own exterior entrance separate from the exterior entrance to the primary dwelling unit but shall not be permitted on an elevation or façade of the building that faces a public street or private road and shall have no means of internal access to the primary dwelling unit, except that access to a primary and second dwelling through a common vestibule entry is permitted.

Zoning Restrictions specific to Detached or as Additions to Existing Dwelling ARDUs.

  • ARDU front yard setback and exterior yard setback is applicable to the specific zone
  • The detached ARDU has an interior yard, and the rear yard setback is a minimum of 1.2m (4 ft) from the property line. The ARDU attached to the existing dwelling will need to meet setbacks specific to the zone. 
  • The maximum height of the detached ARDU is 5m in urban residential zones (R1 to R5), 6m in residential hamlet zones, and 8m in agricultural zones (A). Height is measured from grade to peak of the roof (highest truss).
  • A detached ARDU maximum useable floor area is 75 m2 (807 sq. ft). This includes any basement area but excludes any attached garage. An attached garage is included towards the usable floor area, and an accessory structure is permitted on the property as per the zone of the property.
  • ARDU attached to an existing dwelling above grade is a maximum useable floor area of 75 m2; this will include any basement area associated with the ARDU.
  • The entirety of the detached ARDU is to be located within a maximum of 40m (131 ft) of the primary dwelling. 
  • Decks and unenclosed porches on the ARDU are subject to the provisions outlined in section 3.6 for decks and unenclosed porches; they are not included in the allowable useable floor area for the ARDU.

Zoning Restrictions Specific to Basements of Existing Dwellings ARDUs.

  • ARDU in a basement can occupy the entire basement area.


One parking spot is required for each dwelling unit on the property. The parking spot can be in tandem or in a garage. Parking is permitted in the front yard if 50% of the front yard is maintained as landscaped area. Minimum parking space sizes are listed in the zoning by-law. Only one parking spot is permitted in the required front yard setback.

Water Sewer Connections. 

Additional residential dwelling units shall have water and wastewater services. Municipal connections or private wells and septic systems are permitted.

Only one municipal connection and municipal water meter are permitted per property. If space permits, a new septic system can be installed for the ARDU, or an alteration to the existing septic can be made to service the ARDU. Septic holding tanks are not permitted.

Upgrades to the water service may be required depending on the number of fixture units proposed on the property. To verify the required water service connection, a water pipe sizing and plumbing data sheet are available on Norfolk County’s website.

Civic Address

A new ARDU will require a new Civic Address. Civic Address Request Forms are required at the time of permit application. Several areas need to be filled out with information and a sketch showing the lot layout of the property for which the Civic Address is being requested. A sample sketch will be included with the form.

For more information, contact Norfolk County GIS at or by phone at 519-875-4485 ext. 1827

Lot Grading

Proposed grading plans and lot grading forms shall be submitted with all building permit applications under Norfolk County Grading and Drainage By-law. 

The proposed grading plan needs to identify:

  • Show the proposed building/structure in the desired final location 
  • Label proposed building/structure iii)
  • The proposed drainage pattern is if the project is altering existing drainage. lf grading will not be affected by the proposed building/structure, and please specify
  • Dimensions of proposed building/structure
  • Distance from proposed building /structure to all property lines and existing buildings, structures and drainage features on the property
  • Existing drainage patterns. Indicate the direction of flow with arrows on the plan.

An exemption may be considered for a lot in a rural area (complete form, fee applies)

A building permit application consists of several documents. The forms must be completed, signed, and dated. 

As the property owner, you can complete the design yourself or have a qualified individual with a BCIN number in the House, an Architect, or a Professional Engineer complete the drawings.

Buildings containing multiple dwelling units may require qualified individuals to complete the design documents. Check with a Building Inspector before making an application.

Drawings and documents

Drawings are to be legible and to scale. Use a ruler or computer-aided drafting (CAD) software to complete your drawings. Provide enough information and detail to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code

Sample ARDU drawings:

The Ontario Building Code is available online under the ‘regulations under this act’ tab. Read more from the province of Ontario:

Building Department staff, by law, are not permitted to provide design advice. It is the responsibility of the property owner or authorized agent to complete a design that meets the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and the Building Code Act (BCA) 

If you cannot complete the application, you should retain a qualified designer to assist you. 

If your building is to be a modular trailer, please refer to the Factory Built - Modular Home and Trailer Permit application Guidelines for Building Permit requirements. 

Building Permit - Application Checklist

Completed forms 

  • Building Permit Application Form 
  • Schedule 1: Designer Information.
  • Applicant Authorization Form: if the property owner does not complete the application, 
  • Applicable Law Checklist and supporting documents. 
  • Lot grading form or approved exemption request. (where required)
  • Evaluation of existing on-site septic system (where required)
  • Water pipe sizing and plumbing data sheet (where required).
  • Civic Address Request Form.

Required documents 

  • Plot Plan:
    • Property lines and lot dimensions,
    • Location of building and all other structures on the lot,
    • Dimension between primary dwelling and detached ADRU,
    • Location of all steps and landings,
    • Distance from dwelling to property lines, 
    • Parking spots with dimensions, 
    • Location of septic systems.
  •  Drawing of the building including: 
    • Footing, foundations, anchorage details (where applicable) 
    • Floor plan,
    • Room names, sizes and ceiling heights,
    • Door and window location and sizes
    • Location of plumbing fixtures, including laundry facilities,
    • Fire separations, firewall design (if applicable),
    • Smoke alarms and/or fire alarm systems.
  • Elevations
  • Cross sections of the exterior wall from footing to roof.
  • Septic application (where required) This is a separate application; see septic.

Additional required for interior and detached ARDUs

  • Lot Grading Plan.
  • Roof truss layout or roof framing plan.
  • Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS), performance or prescriptive option.
  • Engineered floor system layout (where required).
  • Engineered beam details (i.e. LVL’s, steel beams) (where required)
  • Residential mechanical ventilation design summary.
  • Ventilation duct design:
    • Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) duct sizing and layout,
    • Exhaust fan duct sizing and layout.


  • Building Permit fee
  • Plumbing permit fee 
  • Occupancy fee.
  • Lot grading exemption fe (if applicable)
  • Civic address fee.

Septic Permits - Application Checklist

Completed Forms

  • Building Permit Application Form.
  • Schedule 1: Designer Information.
  • Schedule 2: Sewage System Installer Information

Required Documents

  • Septic System Permit Application Information Package/Worksheets.
  • Percolation time (‘T’ time) report from a licensed testing agency.


  • Septic Permit fee.

Complete application

The following information is required to ensure that your registration and building permit applications are given full consideration. An incomplete or improperly prepared application may not be accepted or result in processing delays.

A complete application for this type of development includes:

  • Accessory Dwelling Unit Zoning & Building Checklist: A complete ADU Building Permit Checklist consists of completing a checklist of items required for the ADU building permit.
  • A Building Permit Application Form & Fees—A complete Building Permit Application Form is a ministry-prescribed form required to apply for a building permit. Fees will be calculated according to the value of construction.
  • A Septic Application Form & Fees— A complete Septic Application Form is a ministry-prescribed form that is required to apply for a building permit. Fees will be calculated according to the type of septic you require.


In Person

Visit our service counter located at 12 Gilbertson Dr., Simcoe, Ontario.

Please call or email ahead and make an appointment. Our Permit Coordinators will review your application and provide in writing any missing items and a cost breakdown for the permit fees and payment options.

A Building Inspector will contact you in writing if there are building code concerns or missing information from your application.

A building permit is issued once all documentation has been received, fees are paid in full, and your plans are check for compliance zoning by-law and the building code.

Once you have obtained a building permit, a building inspector needs to attend your site at several milestones in the construction process. Read more about inspections.

Once all inspections are complete and passed your permit is closed. 

Need help?

If you have any questions on the building permit process or plans required, please contact or call 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 6016. 

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