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Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Builds

A step-by-step guide for making a building permit application

Review the guidelines and requirements for obtaining building permits for industrial, commercial, and institutional projects in Norfolk County.

Building permits help protect you, your home, and the interests of your community by ensuring the project is structurally sound and follows the Ontario Building Code, municipal zoning, and other applicable laws.

Building Permit process

The building permit process has multiple steps. This permit package highlights these steps and guides the process.

Approvals from other agencies are often required before a building permit can be processed and issued. The building department does not administer these approvals. The fastest way to obtain a building permit is to ensure that all other required approvals are completed before the permit application.

An Applicable Law Checklist is required as part of a complete application. Agency contacts are included with this form. Our community mapping has many of these layers mapped to help you determine if additional approvals are required for your application.

Pre-consultation meeting - Site plan approval

Most industrial, commercial,l and institutional buildings are located on properties where a site plan approval is required through the Planning Act. Before you submit a planning application, please contact our office about the necessity of a pre-consultation meeting.

These confidential meetings are hosted by the Planning Department with staff from various departments (and agencies, as applicable) who will provide valuable feedback on your proposal and outline what will be required as part of a complete planning application. After the meeting, you will receive a detailed summary of the meeting, which will include feedback from each department. The document will also include a clear list of what you must submit as part of a complete planning application form.

To request a pre-consultation meeting, please email the Planning Department at You can also call call 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 1842. 

For more information on the process, please see the Planning website.

Site Plan Control

Site Plan Control is a tool utilized by the County to ensure that specific development proposals meet the Official Plan and Zoning By-law objectives. Essentially, site plans approved under this process are very detailed and outline precisely how a particular property will be developed. Site Plan Approval is typically the last planning approval necessary before the Building Permit process.

A Site Plan Agreement is sometimes required for more complicated developments. Where a property has site plan control designation, but the proposed construction is deemed minor in nature, the applicant will need to provide a site plan waiver from the Planning Department as part of an Applicable Law review.

Zoning Requirements

Finding the zoning associated with your property is easy with our GIS Community Web Map; position your property and turn on the zoning layer by clicking layer list, planning, and zoning.

Screenshot of GIS mapping tool

You will need to provide a plot plan for zoning review. Refer to Norfolk County Zoning Bylaw. This plot plan needs to include the following:

  • Property lines and lot dimensions,
  • Location of building and all other structures on the lot,
  • Location of all steps and landing,
  • Distance from dwelling to property lines
  • Parking spots with dimensions,
  • Location of septic systems.

A planning application will be required if your proposed building or structure does not comply with the zoning requirements. Zoning and Planning approval is required as part of a complete permit 

Lot Grading

Where a property has been issued a site plan waiver, and the building's footprint is increasing in size, lot grading is required.

Under the Norfolk County Grading and Drainage By-law, proposed grading plans and a lot grading form shall be submitted with all building permit applications. 

Proposed grading plans need to identify the following:

  • all surface features; 
  • existing and proposed structures; 
  • changes in grade and slopes in percent between such changes, and
  • Include sufficient information regarding adjacent properties to confirm conformance with this By-Law with respect to drainage onto those properties.

An exemption may be considered for a lot in a rural area. You must complete the application form, and fees apply.

Site plan drawing example

A building permit application consists of several documents. The forms must be completed, signed, and dated. 

Who can design the building?

Many factors determine who can complete drawings and design documents for these types of buildings. Your design team can be made up of qualified individuals with a Building Code Identification Number (BCIN), an architect, and/or Professional Engineers. If you are unsure what qualifications a designer needs for your specific project, reach out to a building inspector for more information.

Building Department staff cannot make recommendations on a specific designer or design company. 

Drawings and Documents

Drawings must be legible and to scale. Complete them using a ruler or computer-aided drafting (CAD) software. Provide enough information and detail to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code.

The Ontario Building Code is available online under the ‘regulations under this act’ tab.

Building Department staff are not permitted by law to provide design advice. It is the responsibility of the property owner or authorized agent to complete a design that meets the requirements of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) and the Building Code Act (BCA).

Building Permits - Application Checklist

Completed Forms 

  • Building Permit Application Form 
  • Signed Commitment to General Review
  • Property Owner Consent Form, if the property owner does not complete the application.
  • Applicable Law Checklist and supporting documents. 
  • Lot grading form (projects with a site plan waiver).

Required Documents 

  • Approved Site Plan approval Plot Plan.
  • Drawings of the building. 
    • Architectural,
    • Structural,
    • Electrical
    • Mechanical 
    • Plumbing
  • Building Code Matrix.
  • Completed SB-10 report (energy efficiency)
  • Septic System or Sewage Works.
    • Sewage system is under 10,000 litres/day daily design flow for the whole site. (separate application through Norfolk County).
    • The Sewage Works' daily design flow is over 10,000 litres/day for the whole site. The ECA will be obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks.

Read more on the Government of Ontario website


  • Building Permit fee.
  • Plumbing fee.
  • Occupancy fee.
  • Civic address (where applicable)
  • Water/Sanitary/Storm Connection Permit (where applicable).
  • Development charges (if applicable)

Septic Permits - Application checklist

Completed Forms

  • Building Permit Application Form
  • Schedule 1: Designer Information
  • Schedule 2: Sewage System Installer Information

Required Documents

  • Septic System Permit Application Information Package/Worksheets.
  • Percolation time ('T' time) report from a licensed testing agency.


  • Septic Permit fee

Online Portal

In Person

Visit our service counter located at 12 Gilbertson Dr., Simcoe, Ontario.

Please call or email ahead and make an appointment. Our Permit Coordinators will review your application and provide in writing any missing items and a cost breakdown for the permit fees and payment options.

A Building Inspector will contact you in writing if there are building code concerns or missing information from your application.

A building permit is issued once all documentation has been received, fees are paid in full, and your plans are check for compliance zoning by-law and the building code.

Once you have obtained a building permit, a building inspector needs to attend your site at several milestones in the construction process. Read more about inspections.

Once all inspections are complete and passed your permit is closed. 

Need help?

If you have any questions on the building permit process or plans required, please contact or call 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 6016. 

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