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Tents and Temporary Structures

A step-by-step guide for making a building permit application

To set up tents and temporary structures in Norfolk County, you must prepare and submit a detailed application for a building permit.

Building permits help protect you, your home, and the interests of your community by ensuring the project is structurally sound and follows the Ontario Building Code, municipal zoning, and other applicable laws.

Do I need a permit?

Depending on size, certain approvals may be required when erecting a tent. Use the following chart as a guide for required approvals.

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Size of Tent

Fire Department Fire Saftey Plan approval

Building Permit required Professional Engineer Stamp Required Clause
>30 m2 (323 sq. ft) Yes No No Fire codes
>60 m2 (645 sq. ft) Yes Yes No OBC Div C
>225 m2 (2420 sq. ft) Yes Yes Yes OBC Div C


  • Tents shall not be erected closer than 3m to a property line or any other structure. [OBC and OBC Div C]
  • No tent shall be placed over any portion of a septic system

Fire Safety Plan

A tent requires a fire safety plan when it is used for assembly purposes for more than 30 people (for example, bingo tents and wedding tents). You must complete a form if your tent requires a fire safety plan. Contact for further information.

Building Permit process

Completed Forms

  • Building Permit Application Form.
  • Commitment to General Review if:
    • The tent exceeds 225 m2 in area.
  • Applicant Authorization Form if the property owner does not complete the application.
  • Approved Fire Safety Plan from the Fire Department.

Required Documents

  • Plot Plan:
    • Property lines and lot dimensions,
    • location of the tent on the lot,
    • neighbouring buildings and
    • existing septic systems on the lot,
    • any proposed fencing of the area and
    • the number and location of portable toilets
  • A copy of the certificate verifying that the tent material has the required flame resistance.
  • A detailed drawing showing the floor plan layout of the tent indicating:
    • table locations,
    • Bar locations,
    • fire extinguisher locations and,
    • locations of all exits,
  • If the tent exceeds 225 m2, a structural drawing of the tent bearing the stamp of a Professional Engineer is required.


  • Temporary Permit fee


In Person

Visit our service counter located at 12 Gilbertson Dr., Simcoe, Ontario.

Please call or email ahead and make an appointment. Our Permit Coordinators will review your application and provide in writing any missing items and a cost breakdown for the permit fees and payment options.

A Building Inspector will contact you in writing if your application lacks information or has building code concerns.

A building permit is issued once all documentation has been received, fees have been paid in full, and your plans have been checked for compliance with the zoning by-law and the building code.

Once you have obtained a building permit, a building inspector needs to attend your site at several milestones in the construction process. Read more about inspections.

Once all inspections are complete and passed, your permit will be closed. 

Need help?

If you have any questions on the building permit process or plans required, please contact or call 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 6016. 

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