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Decou Road Storm Sewer Extension

This notice is to notify the public of the pending construction project from Brant Street to 620m east of Brant Street in Simcoe. This project includes the construction of storm infrastructure along Decou Road. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact those at the bottom of this notice.


  • Decou Road Storm Sewer Extension 

Construction Dates: 

  • August 2024 to November 2024


  • Brant Street to 620 metres east of Brant Street (Lynn River), Simcoe, ON

Project Scope

  • Installation of storm sewer and catch basins
  • Replacement of asphalt road surface
  • Ditch grading and landscaping

Construction Schedule

Construction has been deferred to 2025. 

Information for Homeowners

The contractor is required to maintain access to all homes during construction. There will be occasions when you may experience delays, lack of service, and inconvenience. The contractor will make every effort to minimize these occurrences and communicate when they are to occur.

Please refrain from parking on the street during construction activities, as this can delay work and prolong the construction period.

Watermain Servicing

Some alterations to the existing water main infrastructure will be required to facilitate the installation of the new storm sewer. These changes will result in service disruptions to accommodate the main line connections. You will be notified of these interruptions and provided with an indication of the anticipated duration.

Storm Sewer Servicing

The storm sewer installation is being completed as part of this project to provide a storm sewer outlet and pick up roadside drainage. This system will not provide storm services to each property.

Garbage and Recycling

The Contractor must maintain the pickup of garbage bags, garbage containers, and recycling boxes left at the curbside from abutting residential or commercial properties within the construction limits.

This may include the county contractor picking up bags, containers, and recycling boxes and placing them at a convenient location for pick up. If this is required, empty garbage containers and recycling boxes shall be returned to the respective property owners on the same day.

Please mark all containers and recycling boxes with your address so they may be returned to the correct location. All regularly scheduled garbage and recycling pickups shall be maintained regardless of whether the Contractor works that day.

Lawn Sprinkler Systems

If you have underground lawn sprinkler systems, please mark the locations of sprinkler heads adjacent to the road and/or sidewalk or remove them from the municipal right-of-way. The County is not responsible for damaging privately owned infrastructure within the road allowance.

Tree Removals

There are no anticipated tree removals as part of this project.

Project Contact Information

Norfolk County
Jacob Columbus, C.E.T.
Project Manager, Development Engineering
(519)718-3449, after hours 1-877-298-5888

Counterpoint Land Development
Ramzi Bedas

We intend to minimize the impact on your everyday life during the construction of this project. If any special needs or requirements routinely occur during a day or week, we need to be made aware of them so that the necessary arrangements can be made so that these needs can continue to be met during construction.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the proposed work on Decou Road, please contact Jacob Columbus, Project Manager, at (519)718-3449 or

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