After-hours emergency 1-877-298-5888
Project Administrative AreaWard 6
Proposed Start Date
Estimated Completion Date
Timeline is subject to change. Future notice to be provided.
The Port Dover Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 137 Hamilton Plank Road in Port Dover will be upgraded to replace obsolete technology, improve the efficiency of existing treatment processes, achieve regulatory compliance excellence, and increase the plant rated capacity. Through this project, the 60-year old existing conventional treatment plant will be upgraded to advanced biological treatment to meet the regulatory effluent requirements for nutrient removal prior to discharging into Lake Erie. This project is part of the approved 2024 Capital Delivery Plan.
The work will mainly consist of upgrades to the preliminary, primary and secondary treatment processes as well as the associated electrical and instrumentation and control systems within the existing premises. A new inlet sewer will be installed to convey the sewage flow from the existing sewers on New Lakeshore Rd. to the new preliminary treatment building (Headworks).
The preliminary treatment upgrades include the construction of a new headworks building with two wet wells, equalization tanks, automated bar screens, grit removal equipment and a hauled sewage receiving system to accommodate wet weather flows, increase treatment efficiency, and prevent the overflows into Lake Erie.
The primary treatment upgrades include the construction of a new primary splitter box, the replacement of the scum removal mechanism in the primary clarifiers, and a new odour control unit.
The secondary treatment upgrades include the replacement of the existing mechanical surface aerators with a fine bubble aeration system, the replacement of the return-activated sludge pumps, and the addition of a new aeration tank and a secondary clarifier. The upgraded plant will ensure better nutrient removal (ammonia and phosphorus) through advanced biological (secondary) treatment. A new chemical and disinfection building complete with new ultraviolet treatment equipment, chemical storage tank and related appurtenances will ensure the effluent is safely disinfected before discharge to the natural environment (Lake Erie). The project also includes of the replacement of the existing emergency diesel generator and boiler that meet the upgraded plant needs and the electrical safety authority (ESA) requirements. The project scope also includes replacement or upgrades of the process piping, power supply service upgrades for the entire plant, process-associated structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and control works as well as site grading, yard piping, site restoration works and related utilities.
Work will take place from 7:00 a.m. Monday to 7:00 p.m. Friday.
Work on a Saturday, Sunday, or Statutory Holiday is not anticipated. Any work done outside regular work hours is subject to County approval.
More Information
We intend to minimize the public's impact on this vital infrastructure work. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the work being completed, please contact the County’s project manager.
Norfolk County
Project Manager
Shubham Jindal
(519) 426-5870, extension 1141
H.I.R.A. Ltd
Kara Harper
(519) 633-2670, extension 232
RV Anderson Associates Ltd
Amro Miqdadi
(519) 694-2062
After-hours emergency 1-877-298-5888
Project Administrative AreaContact Us
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0
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