If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not permitted or does not conform to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-Law, you must submit an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-Law Amendment application.
Minor technical adjustments to By-Law provisions may be accommodated through a Minor Variance. The statutory public meeting is held at the Public Hearings Committee to obtain feedback from the public.
The Planning staff provides a recommendation to Norfolk County Council at a later meeting based on various policies, provisions, studies, reports, circulation comments and professional evaluation. Norfolk County Council considers various factors in making decisions on Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-Law Amendments, including but not limited to:
- Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement
- Conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law
- Compatibility with adjacent land use(s)
- Suitability of the land for the proposed use(s)
- Adequacy of vehicular access, water supply, sewage disposal, parking, etc.
- Various environmental circumstances, such as the propensity to flood
Approval an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-Law Amendment is not an exemption from other required approvals or permits. Items such as Site Plan approval, Subdivision approval, Building Permits, and Conservation Authority approvals may also be required.
If you are uncertain whether your development proposal involves a Zoning By-Law Amendment or Minor Variance, please get in touch with the Planning staff.
Application requirements
The County will deem your application complete if it is accompanied by the required information, including:
- Signed pre-consultation meeting notes check-list
- Completed and commissioned application form
- Site plan drawings
- Application fees
- Additional information outlined in the pre-consultation checklist
- Application requirements outlined in the Official Plan
- Completion of a pre-submission review and confirmation of fee
Application forms are available online or at 12 Gilbertson Drive, Simcoe.
Before you make an application, you are required to consult with the Planning Department. Staff will be able to explain the process, outline the submission requirements, and answer any questions you have. To make an appointment, please get in touch with Planning staff.
How do I appeal the Council’s decision?
The applicant may appeal the Council’s decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) within 20 days after written notice of Norfolk County’s decision is provided by Norfolk County staff.
An appeal is submitted with an OLT appeal form and fee that an appealer may submit to a Norfolk County Clerk. The public can find more information on the appeal process on the OLT website. If an appeal is submitted, Norfolk County staff forward the application to the OLT, which arranges a hearing and passes the final decision.
Before making an application, we recommend you consult the Norfolk County Planning Department. Staff can answer any questions regarding the process and outline submission requirements. A pre-consultation may be required. To make an appointment, please get in touch with Planning staff.