Staff are the key personnel responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
Divisions are responsible for ensuring that preventative measures are in place so that incidents of violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour do not occur.
Departments may implement additional processes and procedures that apply to specific workplaces linked to this policy.
Visitors to our offices, parks, facilities or properties, and recreation programs are responsible for behaving and acting in a manner that respects the rights of others so that the services can be used and enjoyed by all.
Organizations and users or recipients of parks, facilities or properties, and recreation programs are primarily responsible for the behaviour of everyone associated with them, including participants, officials, spectators, patrons, parents, guests, etc.
Major user groups are expected to promote, support, and endorse the division operating procedures within their organizations and ensure all those involved with the group (including out-of-county groups) are aware of the division’s operating procedures.
Individuals are responsible for behaving and acting in a manner that respects the rights of staff and others so that services can be provided while attending a work site.