- are unrelated to County services, programs, or projects
- are unintelligible or irrelevant
- are offensive to an individual (including County staff or a representative of the County) or organization
- are profane (including inappropriate language), hateful or defamatory, insulting, rude, abusive, aggressive, or violent
- promote, foster or perpetuate any form of discrimination
- contain content of a sexual nature or links to such content
- conduct or encourage illegal activity
- are aimed at soliciting business or for marketing purposes
- contain spam
- invade privacy, e.g., share information about an identifiable individual, including photographs of, information about, or views and opinions of that individual
- could compromise public safety, security, or County operations
- contain misinformation or disinformation
- violate a legal ownership interest of any other party
- impersonate or misrepresent someone else, including public figures, County staff, or County officials
- do not add to the normal flow of conversation, dialogue, or debate
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Social Media
Connect with Norfolk County's social media accounts and review commenting guidelines to ensure a respectful and engaging online community.
Commenting guidelines
We invite people to post, share, discuss and debate the content shared on our social channels.
Norfolk County will NOT tolerate posts or comments that:
We may hide or remove comments that violate these social media commenting guidelines. Users who violate these guidelines may be muted, blocked, or banned.
Norfolk County is not responsible for any use of its content or materials by other users. Norfolk County is not responsible for user comments on its social media platforms.
Our official accounts

- Norfolk County
- Norfolk Tourism
- Ride Norfolk
- Norfolk County Fire and Rescue
- Norfolk County Public Library
- Norfolk County Recreation Services
- Norfolk County Heritage and Culture
X (formerly Twitter)
- Norfolk County
- Norfolk County Heritage and Culture
- Norfolk County Recreation Services
- Norfolk County Paramedic Services
- Norfolk County Public Library
- Invest in Norfolk County (Economic Development)
- Norfolk County Fire
Events on our websites and social media feeds
Norfolk County may promote events on its website and social media sites if involved as a participant, host, or partner. Otherwise, the County does not permit members of the public to promote events on its website and social media sites.
Terms of Use
For details on how Norfolk County uses social media, please view our terms of use and commenting guidelines.
Norfolk County Facebook Terms of Use
Facebook is a social networking platform which allows users to share news and information, photos, videos, and also allows public and private communication between its users.
With the exception of private messages exchanged between users, all messages (or ‘wall posts’) are public and visible to all for review, comment and sharing.
Norfolk County updates and monitors its Facebook pages from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
‘Liking’ pages
Norfolk County does not automatically ‘like’ organizations or individuals who like it.
The County may ‘like’ relevant organizations including government agencies, organizations in the Health sector and other parties where there is a clear link in communicating and receiving information. Being ‘liked’ by the department does not imply endorsement of any kind.
Norfolk County does not capture or record the contact details of parties following its Facebook accounts. Any information identified or deemed confidential or private is treated in accordance with Norfolk County’s Policy and Facebook’s Privacy Policy.
Replies to comments and messages
Norfolk County welcomes feedback and ideas from its followers.
Each account reads all comments and private messages and ensures that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are forwarded to the relevant department.
Where the department is not able to reply individually to messages/comments received via Facebook and where common topics and requests exist, Norfolk County may issue a general notification to all parties. The usual ways of contacting the department for official correspondence are detailed in the Contact Us section of the Norfolk County website.
Commenting guidelines
Please also see Norfolk County’s social media commenting guidelines.
X (formerly Twitter) is a ‘microblogging’ platform that allows users to post and exchange short messages (up to 140 characters in length) and converse publicly with other users via a mobile phone or web browser. X allows users to share links to online information, publish photographs and share other media such as video. With the exception of direct messages exchanged between users, all messages (or ‘tweets’) are public and visible to all for review, comment and sharing.
Norfolk County updates and monitors its X accounts from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Norfolk County does not automatically follow organizations or individuals who follow it.
The County may follow relevant organizations including government agencies, organizations, and other parties where there is a clear link in communicating and receiving information. The department will generally not follow individuals unless they are known in a professional capacity and satisfy the business rule above. Being followed by the department does not imply endorsement of any kind.
As part of account maintenance and monitoring, the County shall regularly review the accounts it is following. This may result in unfollowing accounts.
In the interest of organizing our followers into meaningful categories and providing the public with useful industry and topic information, the department may create publicly viewable lists of organizations following its X accounts. Inclusion on lists does not imply endorsement of any kind. Should an organization not wish to be included on a list created by the department, it may request to be removed from the list by sending a direct message to the relevant department X account.
Norfolk County does not capture or record the contact details of parties following its X accounts. Any information identified or deemed confidential or private is treated in accordance with Norfolk County’s Policy and X’s Privacy Policy.
@Replies and Direct Messages
Norfolk County welcomes feedback and ideas from its followers. Each account reads all @replies and Direct Messages and ensures that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are forwarded to the relevant people in the department. Where the department is not able to reply individually to messages received via X and where common topics and requests exist, Norfolk County may issue a general notification to all parties. The usual ways of contacting the department for official correspondence are detailed in the “Contact Us” section of the Norfolk County website.
Hashtags (#)
It is a convention among X users to distinguish content using semantic tags (keywords) preceded by a # sign. This enables users to search and filter information based on keywords and share information more meaningfully. Hashtags also allow users to quickly identify ‘trending’ topics (as displayed on the Twitter.com homepage).
The department will use hashtags when:
- Providing live coverage of events (live-tweeting) and
- Providing emergency communications through appropriately authorized staff. In this event, it is likely that a common hashtag will already have been established, and we will follow suit.
The department actively seeks opportunities to re-tweet content that contributes to the dissemination and exchange of useful information about Norfolk County and related topics.
Commenting guidelines
Please also see Norfolk County’s social media commenting guidelines.
Contact us
For questions about Norfolk County's social media accounts, contact Corporate Communications.
Contact Us
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0