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Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Sustainability Advisory Committee advises Council on sustainability strategies, oversees staff activities and communication, promotes corporate sustainability goals, and reports on environmental and energy management issues.

Agendas and Minutes

Terms of Reference

1. Role

The Sustainability Advisory Committee, (hereafter referred to as the Committee) is an advisory committee of Norfolk County Council. The purpose of the Committee is to monitor the execution of the Corporation’s sustainability strategies, to oversee the communication of staffs’ sustainability activities and/or goals, to provide promotion and education on corporate sustainability goals and  to provide input to staff and Council on sustainability matters as required. The Committee will report to Council on matters, issues and policies pertaining to environment, sustainability and energy management in Norfolk County.

2. Mandate

The mandate of the Committee is to provide input and perspectives on practical approaches that the Corporation can take towards energy conservation and demand management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and general sustainability initiatives. 

Specifically, the Committee will provide a forum for discussion regarding: 

  • Advise Council on matters pertaining to energy conservation, environmental policy, and climate change adaptation 
  • Reviewing the implementation of the adaptation strategies set forth in the Norfolk County Climate Change Adaptation Plan and providing expertise for project implementation 
  • Reviewing the Corporations’ performance against its climate change and energy related targets and ambitions 
  • Updating the Corporation’s Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan as legislated and ensuring that the Corporation maintains the chosen energy conservation measures throughout the duration of the Plan 
  • Reviewing and updating the Norfolk County Corporate Energy Policy 
  • Reviewing and updating Norfolk County’s Energy Conservation Awareness Program 
  • Reviewing on-going community sustainability initiatives and providing potential opportunities for collaboration and/or outreach 
  • Reviewing available grant streams relating to climate changea daptation and energy conservation, including assisting with theapplication process where applicable

3. Committee Composition

The Committee shall have up to 7 voting members. The criteria for appointment shall include leaders in the business community, including but not limited to, those with professional experience in climate change adaptation and mitigation, emissions reduction, energy management, waste management, biodiversity and natural resource management, land-use planning, built environment, sustainable food production and systems, public health, social planning, community engagement and education.

As well as residents with a general passion for environmental sustainability.

The voting membership of the Committee is 7 members, including: 

  • Mayor ex-officio; 
  • 1 Councillor; 
  • 6 Members of the Public appointed for broad County representation.

The Committee members shall have a four-year term of membership to coincide with Norfolk County Council.

4. Meetings

Rules of Procedure/Order

Quorum will be considered to be a majority of the total number of membersIn the event that a quorum is not present within fifteen (15) minutes after theappointed time of the meeting, the meeting will stand adjourned.

If quorum is not met, the meeting may be rescheduled, cancelled, or continue forinformation sharing only. Information shared in a meeting that does not havequorum cannot be used in future decision making.

In an instance where quorum is not met, but there are external guests present toprovide a presentation, the presentation may be recorded and provided for thesubsequent agenda.

In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall conduct the meeting. If neither ispresent, the Committee shall appoint an Acting Chair from amongst thosemembers present.

The Committee shall observe the Rules and Procedures and Rules of Conduct that govern Committees of Council as outlined in the County’s Procedure By-law. 

Motions shall require a Mover and a Seconder.

Schedule/Location of Meetings

The Committee will establish a meeting schedule, setting out the time and place for meetings at the beginning of each year. All meetings will be held within Norfolk County.

Meetings should occur on a quarterly basis, at minimum. Where necessary, special meetings may be scheduled as required.

Committee Meetings are to be held at the County Administration Building, an approved County owned-facility or a combination of in-person and virtual.

Adequate provision for accessibility shall be made by the Chair of the Committee and relevant staff to ensure that meeting locations, agenda and minute formats, communications and conduct of meetings be accessible, to ensure maximum participation and quality customer service.

Meeting Structure

Agendas and minutes for Committee meetings should include the following components:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

4. Approval of Previous Minutes

5. Deputations

6. Presentations

7. Matters to be Considered

8. Other business

9. Next Meeting

10. Adjournment

In addition to the above, the date, time, location of the meeting and a list of members present shall be recorded. 

Additional Meeting Components

An orientation session will be held at the first meeting of the Committee each year.

Committee meeting minutes shall be made available to the public.All meetings shall be open to the public except as allowed through section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001.

The Committee may invite or hear deputations from individuals or organizations about any agenda item or matter under consideration at a Committee meeting.

If a member has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, the member shall disclose the pecuniary interest and shall not take part in the discussion of the matter, nor vote on the matter.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

At its inaugural meeting each year, the Committee will be responsible for electing a Chair and Vice-Chair from amongst the members of the Committee.

Committee Members:

  • Attend Meetings (provide notification of absences to Meeting Clerk)
  • Send suggested agenda items to the Chair and Meeting Clerk for possible inclusion on future agendas
  • Be prepared for meetings by reviewing material provided by the Meeting Clerk
  • Participate in discussions
  • Carry out tasks assigned to them by the Committee
  • Provide suggestions and share resources from community members

Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee:

  • Manage the meeting and follow meeting procedures as outlined in the County’s Procedural By-law
  • Moderate discussions but do not participate in debate until the end of discussion
  • The Chair has the same voting rights as other members and votes like all other members
  • Direct the discussion in a fair and efficient manner
  • Keep the meeting on track and on schedule
  • Meet with the Meeting Clerk and Staff Liaison prior to the meeting to plan the agenda
  • Represent the Committee in official capacities such as speaking atCouncil

Council Committee Members

  • Advise members of the Committee on Council matters
  • Bring Committee recommendations and motions to Council-in-Committee and Council
  • Report back to the Committee on feedback from Council-in-Committee or Council.
  • The Council Committee Member has a vote on Committee decisions

Staff Liaison

As a resource person, the responsibilities of the Staff Liaison are to:

  • Provide guidance and advice and remain impartial during discussions of committee matters with all members; 
  • Prepare any necessary reports for Council’s consideration; 
  • Ensure that any recommendations proposed by the committee do not contradict the County’s budget, by-laws, policies or procedures.

Meeting Clerk

As a resource staff, the responsibilities of the recording clerk are to:

  • Prepare the agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Committee Chair;
  • Distribute the agenda to the committee members as outlined in County’s Procedural By-law;
  • Post agendas, minutes and meeting dates/times to the County’s website as outlined in County’s Procedural By-law;
  • Record the minutes of the meeting including resolutions, decisions and other proceedings at the meeting, without note or comment;
  • Submit the approved minutes of each committee meeting for inclusion on the Regular Council agenda for Council’s consideration;
  • Track meeting attendance and coordinate Committee appointments and resignations;
  • Book the meeting venue;
  • When necessary and in consultation with the Chair, cancel a meeting (due to inclement weather or provide knowledge of lack of quorum), if time permits, the members should be contacted to advise of the cancellation.

All changes to the Terms of Reference require Council approval. 

Contact Us


50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0

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