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Community Policing Committee

The Norfolk County Community Policing Committee (NCCPC) is a volunteer Committee established by the Norfolk County Police Services Board (NCPSB) and approved by Norfolk County Council.

The Committee is funded by Norfolk County and works in cooperation with Norfolk County, the Norfolk County Police Services Board, and the Norfolk County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The committee is composed of volunteers and a community liaison officer from the Ontario Provincial Police.

Mission Statement

  • To facilitate and maintain partnerships between the Ontario Provincial Police, the Police Services Board, community groups and businesses, and the citizens of Norfolk County.
  • To work together with these partners in identifying, prioritizing, and problem-solving local policing issues on a proactive basis through the sharing of ideas, addressing issues of common concerns, and delivering programs in order to preserve and enhance the quality of life and safety in the community.
  • To advise the NCPSB on matters relating to community policing throughout Norfolk County and to make recommendations to Norfolk County Council through the NCPSB.

Terms of Reference

1.0  Nature of Norfolk County Community Policing Committee /Reporting and Functional Relationships

1.1 The Norfolk County Community Policing Committee (NCCPC) is a volunteer Committee established by the Norfolk County Police Services Board (NCPSB) and approved by Norfolk County Council.  

2.0  Mission/Mandate

2.1 To facilitate and maintain partnerships between the Ontario Provincial Police, the Police Services Board, community groups and businesses, and the citizens of Norfolk County.   

2.2 To work together with these partners in identifying, prioritizing, and problem-solving of local policing issues on a proactive basis through the sharing of ideas, addressing issues of common concerns and the delivery of programs, in order to preserve and enhance the quality of life and safety in the community. 

2.3 To advise the NCPSB on matters relating to community policing throughout Norfolk County and to make recommendations to Norfolk County Council through the NCPSB. 

2.4 To undertake projects to ensure delivery of the mission/mandate. 

3.0  Norfolk County Community Policing Committee Composition/Term 

3.1 NCCPC shall be composed of a maximum of twelve community members. The NCPSB will appoint members with a preference for one member residing in, and representing, a single ward within Norfolk County. If appropriate applicants cannot be recommended for each ward, the NCPSB may appoint members for Norfolk at large. For the purpose of engaging communities and groups beyond traditional wards, the NCPSB may further recommend additional members appointed at large as they deem appropriate.  

3.2 Membership shall be for a three year term with staggered term expiries to ensure continuity in expertise. NCCPC Committee members shall be appointed by the NCPSB as an authority delegated by Norfolk County Council. Members may be appointed for terms less than three years to ensure staggered term expiration. Members  names shall be recorded and provided to the Norfolk County Supervisor of Risk and Realty Services bi-annually.ensure staggered term expiration. Members  names shall be recorded and provided to the Norfolk County Supervisor of Risk and Realty Services bi-annually.

3.3 The Norfolk County staff member providing secretarial services to the NCPSB shall act as County Staff Liaison to the NCCPC. 

3.4 The Chair and Vice Chair/Treasurer will be selected by members at the first meeting of each year.  

3.5 Schedule  A  sets out the duties and responsibilities of members of the NCCPC.  

4.0  Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 NCCPC shall be responsible for short/long term strategic planning, budgeting and undertaking County wide projects consistent with the Mission/Mandate Statement referred to in Section 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.  NCCPC shall also provide open lines of communication among, NCPSB, the Ontario Provincial Police, Norfolk County, and its (NCCPC) project groups.

4.2 NCCPC shall submit an annual budget request through the Police Services Board to Norfolk County for annual funding.  This budget request shall be forwarded to the Police Services Board for consideration and approval no later than June 1st of the year prior to the period for which the request is being made.

4.3 NCCPC, to advance its mission/mandate, may undertake financial initiatives such as grant applications, fund raising projects, etc.

4.4 NCCPC may undertake projects at the request of the Police Services Board and the Ontario Provincial Police. Should a financial commitment be necessary to undertake such projects, NCCPC will advise Norfolk County of their intentions and provide a revised business plan detailing the estimated financial commitment and the sources of funding to honour such commitments.

4.5 NCCPC members shall be guided by Schedule  A  which outlines the roles and responsibilities of each and every member. Schedule  A  guidelines may from time to time be amended upon mutual agreement of NCCPC members as they relate to Chair and Vice Chair/Treasurer duties.

4.6 NCCPC shall provide recommendations to the NCPSB on updates to the NCCPC Terms of Reference. This Terms of Reference can only be updated with the approval of the Norfolk County Council upon the submission by the NCPSB.

5.0 Appointment Process/Criteria for Selection

5.1 The NCCPC shall follow an amended-version of Norfolk County s appointment process established in policy as a committee reporting directly to the NCPSB.

5.2 Vacancies for NCCPC appointments will be advertised in accordance with Norfolk County s Committee and Board Policy. This will include advertisement in local newspapers, on the Norfolk County website, and on Norfolk County social media platforms.

5.3 Applicants shall be required to complete and submit to NCPBS and Norfolk County (County Clerk) an application form, available from County offices and the Norfolk County website.  Applications shall be accepted at any time to fill outgoing vacancies on the NCCPC committee.

5.4 Applications will be reviewed and recommended by the NCPSB and Norfolk County staff within 30 days of the recruiting period closing. A report recommending selected appointees will be prepared by the County staff liaison and presented to Council within thirty days of the Police Services Board s recommendation. All applications received shall be forwarded to Council with the staff report.  In the event of a delay in appointing new members to the NCCPC committee, outgoing committee members may at their discretion continue to fill their current position for a term not longer than 90 days to provide for continuity of the Committee. Applications submitted outside of the regular recruiting period shall be reviewed at the next appropriate NCPSB meeting at the discretion of the NCPSB chair.

5.5 Successful applicants must submit a satisfactory, current Vulnerable Sector Criminal Record Check or letter of support from the Norfolk Detachment, confirming a prior background check.  

5.6 Upon NCPSB s approval of NCCPC appointments, The Council Services Division, on behalf of Council, shall immediately send out confirmation notification to the new NCCPC appointees and advise the NCPSB, NCCPC, and any other relevant contacts of the appointments.

5.7 An orientation session for new members shall be held at the first meeting of NCCPC to review the Terms of Reference and applicable county policy.

6.0 Resignation and Dismissal

6.1 If any committee member is absent from three consecutive meetings, without justification, the Chair, in consultation with the staff liaison, will ask the member whether or not they wish to attend meetings and remain on the Committee or resign.

6.2 NCCPC members wishing to resign their appointment shall submit a letter of resignation which shall be forwarded as soon as possible to NCPSB, NCCPC and the County Clerk.  The resignation shall be noted on the NCCPC minutes.

6.3 The NCPSB at their discretion can dismiss the NCCPC in its entirety or any member thereof at any time after having entered into discussion with the NCCPC and resolution of the issue(s) surrounding the proposed dismissal cannot be resolved in a satisfactory manner or in a reasonable time period.  The NCPSB will then advise Norfolk County Council. In the case of dismissing the entire NCCPC, the NCPSB shall provide sufficient notice to allow for project/grant completion.

6.3.1 Should the NCPSB and Norfolk County Council proceed with the recommendation to dissolve the NCCPC, procedures for dissolution are outlined in Section 17.0 of this Terms of Reference.

7.0 Rules of Procedure/Order/Conduct

7.1 Members of NCCPC shall observe the Rules of Procedure with respect to meetings as outlined in Norfolk County s Procedural By-Law.  A copy of the procedural by-law shall be available to each member.

8.0 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest

8.1 The NCCPC shall adhere to the procedures for the Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest as established in the Norfolk County Procedural By-Law.

9.0 Schedule of Meetings  

9.1  NCCPC shall meet once every quarter, or as necessary.

9.2 NCCPC shall establish a meeting schedule and location at its inaugural meeting considering the business needs and schedule of the NCPSB, the Ontario Provincial Police, and its committee members.  NCCPC shall provide Norfolk County Council, through the Council Services Department, with a schedule of meetings in December for the following year.

9.3 Special NCCPC meetings may be held at the call of the Chair, by motion of the NCPSB, or upon receipt of a petition of the majority of NCCPC members.  All parties to this document shall be kept informed of special meetings.

10.0  Norfolk County Community Policing Committee Access to Meetings

10.1  Except as provided in this Section, all meetings shall be open to the public.

10.2 The Chair or other presiding Officer in his/her stead may expel any person for improper conduct at a meeting.

10.3 A meeting, or a part of a meeting, may be closed to the public and media (closed meeting) if the subject of the matter being considered is:

a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board; 

b)  personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; 

c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; 

d) labour relations or employee negotiations; 

e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; 

f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 

g) a matter in respect of which a council, board, committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act; 

h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; 

i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization; 

j) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value; or 

k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 2001, c. 25, s. 239 (2); 2017, c. 10, Sched. 1, s. 26.  

A meeting, or part of a meeting, shall be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is,

a) a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if the council, board, commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act; or 

b) an ongoing investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipally-controlled corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13 (1) of this Act, or the investigator referred to in subsection 239.2 (1). 2014, c. 13, Sched. 9, s. 22. 

A meeting may be closed to the public if the following conditions are both satisfied:

a) The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members. 

b) At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 103 (1). 

10.4 Before holding a closed meeting, or part of a meeting, NCCPC shall state by resolution:

(a) The fact of the holding of the Closed Meeting; 

(b) The general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meetings and the relevant subsection detailed above in section 10.3 with reference to the Municipal Act. 

(c) In the case of a meeting for the purpose of educating and training of Members, the fact of the holding of the closed meeting, the general nature of its subject matter and that it is to be closed for that purpose.

10.6 All deliberations while in closed session shall remain confidential unless otherwise approved by NCCPC in open session.

10.7 Minutes of closed sessions shall be recorded and remain confidential.

11.0 Meeting Structure, Agenda and Minute Formats

11.1 An orientation session shall be held at the first meeting of NCCPC each year for the general public should an interest be expressed by the general public and there be sufficient numbers to warrant such a session.

11.2 Attendance at all meetings shall be recorded.  Members shall notify the staff liaison if they are unable to attend.

11.3 Minutes of NCCPC meetings shall be taken by the staff liaison.  Agendas and minutes for each meeting will be circulated to NCCPC.

11.4 Agendas and minutes shall be available upon request.

11.5 At the discretion of the NCCPC chair, Agendas for the NCCPC may include any or all/but not be limited to the following components:

(1) Call to Order and Attendance 

(2) Disclosure of Interest and General Nature Thereof  

(3)  Approval of Minutes    

(4) Business Arising from Previous Minutes 

(6)  Presentations 

(7)  General business and reports  

(8)  Correspondence 

(9) Other Business / General Announcements     

(10) Closed session 

(11)  Next meeting    

(12)  Adjournment

11.6 Minutes will briefly outline the substance of each of the agenda items discussed during the meeting, including recommendations and actions to be taken.  

11.7 Minutes of NCCPC shall be forwarded to the NCPSB and through the NCPSB to Norfolk County Council as required. Staff will be required to prepare a staff report if any follow up action is requested of Norfolk County Council.

11.8 A majority of the members of NCCPC shall be a quorum, and each member shall have one vote. In the case of an equality of vote by the quorum for and against the motion then the motion will be resolved in the negative and the minutes shall so record it.

11.9 In the event a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes after the appointed time of the meeting, the name of those present will be recorded and the meeting will be adjourned. Any business that was transacted without a quorum present is null and void.

11.10 Individuals or groups wishing to appear as a delegation before NCCPC shall advise the staff liaison of NCCPC in writing ten days prior to the regularly scheduled NCCPC meeting for inclusion on the next agenda.

11.11 Notification of meetings shall be in the form of an agenda with supporting documents and minutes from the previous meeting.  NCCPC members wishing to place items on the agenda must make a request through the staff liaison or NCCPC Chair at least ten days prior to the meeting.  This package shall be delivered by e-mail the Friday prior to the meeting.

11.12 At the beginning of any regular meeting the Chair may announce/call for any additional items to be added to the agenda.   

11.13 At the beginning of any regular meeting the Chair may suspend the order of the agenda to effectively deal with agenda items in an efficient and effective manner.

11.14  NCCPC will seek to achieve consensus on decisions.  Recommendations are  Carried  if supported by a simple majority.  Only resolutions as they appear in the adopted minutes may be considered as officially representing the position of NCCPC.

11.15 Voting on operating matters shall be carried out by a show of hands, unless otherwise indicated by the Chair.

11.16 In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall conduct the meeting.  If neither is present, NCCPC members present shall appoint an Acting Chair from amongst the executive members present. 

12.0  Budget and Financial Reporting 

12.1 NCCPC shall make requests for budget allocations through the NCPSB in advance of the County s annual budget process.  All related revenue and expenditure transactions will follow approved policy.  Requests must relate to activities in the NCCPC mandate and operational guidelines.

12.2 Annual budget requests and funding under such requests shall be considered through the regular Norfolk County budgeting process and disbursed promptly after decision.

12.3 The NCCPC shall undertake projects noted in its operating plan. Funds provided by Norfolk County can only be utilized for activities described in the annual budget process. The NCCPC shall provide the NCPSB an account of expenditures of Norfolk County funds on an annual basis.

12.4 Given the complexity of projects and their nature, the NCCPC may notify NCPSB of their intention to change the nature of a project, amend a project presented in the annual budget process, or initiate a new project. Notice of proposed changes submitted in the NCCPC minutes shall be for the purposes of obtaining approval.

12.5 NCCPC may undertake fundraising to supplement funds provided through budget proposals.

12.6 NCCPC may apply for grants to supplement the funds provided through budget proposals.

12.7 On notification of the dissolution of the NCCPC only those funds remaining under the advance of budget proposals shall be returned to Norfolk County.  For greater clarity on dissolution of the committee, any funds earned by the committee as a matter of fundraising shall remain in the possession of the committee with distribution of these funds  decided by  majority vote of the executive and members and shall be absolute and not challenged by  parties to this agreement.  Funds advanced under Grant Applications that have not been expended shall immediately be returned to the granting agency.  

13.0 Remuneration and personal expenses

13.1 Members of NCCPC shall not be remunerated for their time and personal expenses incurred while carrying out NCCPC activities/duties. 

14.0   NCCPC Project Groups 

14.1 The NCCPC can form project groups by motion to undertake and administer projects approved through the budget allocation process. Additional project groups can be formed for projects related to the NCCPC mission/mandate, but not detailed in the budget allocation process, subject to the approval of the NCPSB. 

14.2 A member of the NCCPC shall be appointed as Project Group leader by NCCPC motion. The Project Group leader directs the operations of an approved project. 

14.3 NCCPC Project Groups shall be composed of Norfolk County volunteers required to complete or continually administrate a NCCPC project. The NCCPC can additionally be Project Group volunteers.  

14.4 The Project Group leader shall be responsible for maintaining an active list of volunteers and providing regular updates to the County Staff liaison at each meeting of the NCCPC. Membership updates shall be noted in the NCCPC minutes.  Norfolk County Council, the NCPSB, NCCPC, or Project Group leader can suspend or dismiss volunteers.  

14.5 Project Group volunteers undertake tasks in support of approved projects. All volunteers shall have undergone a criminal reference check conducted by the Norfolk Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police which shall be provided to the Project Group leader. All members shall have current Ontario issued photo identification. All volunteers must follow the County's guidelines and standards for work.  

14.6 The Project Group leader shall be responsible for volunteer recruitment, coordination of background checks of new volunteers, and orientation/training of volunteers. Documentation of background checks will be provided to the County Staff Liaison.  

14.7 Project Group volunteers will be subject to Volunteer Requirements established in Norfolk County policies. The Staff Liaison will notify the NCCPC of updates to Norfolk County policy relevant to volunteers.  

14.8  Project Groups shall be reviewed annually to ensure continued adherence to the NCCPC mandate and Project group approval requirements. The membership of each Project Group shall also be reviewed annually to ensure members inactive for over a year are removed.  

14.9  Project Groups membership shall be limited to ten volunteers. Time restricted exemptions can be granted to this limit through NCCPC minutes sent to the NCPSB.

16.0 Annual Insurance Update

16.1 The NCCPC Staff Liaison shall provide an Annual Insurance Update for the  NCCPC  and its members  including procedures for membership updates, summary of any updates to Norfolk County Volunteer policies, and verification from the Norfolk County Supervisor of Risk and Realty Services. verification from the Norfolk County Supervisor of Risk and Realty Services.

17.0 Dissolution of NCCPC

17.1 This section is to be read in conjunction with sections 6.3 through 6.3.1.

17.2 In the event the NCPSB or Norfolk County Council seek to dissolve NCCPC and adequate time for dissolution of the committee and winding down of projects in progress is not given, those parties seeking dissolution and referred to in this terms of reference shall be responsible for all approved project expenditures started, and committed to as of the date of the notice of termination of the committee. A minimum six month notice of the intention to dissolve the NCCPC is required to avoid the aforementioned in this section. 

17.3 On dissolution of the committee the executive and members of the committee will determine the disposition of available funds not specifically received by the budget allocation from Norfolk County or grant applications.

Schedule  A

Roles and Responsibilities of members of NCCPC

The Chair shall:  

  • Facilitate the meeting while following Policy for Committees 
  • Review and approve the agenda before distribution 
  • Participate as an active, voting member, encouraging participation by all Committee Members 
  • Maintain decorum and ensure fairness and accountability; 
  • Call on the Vice-Chair to fill his/her place as Chair in order to take part in debate, until he/she resumes the Chair 
  • Be the point of contact with NCPSB, Norfolk County Council, the OPP, and any media relations; and 
  • Attend any training sessions offered by the County 
  • Assist with the duties of the Vice Chair/Treasurer as necessary

The Vice Chair/Treasurer shall: 

  • Be familiar with the duties of the Chair 
  • At the request of the Chair, conduct meetings 
  • Support and assist the Chair 
  • Serve as the Chair in his/her absence 
  • Prepare an oral report for each quarterly meeting detailing expenditures during the quarter, any obligations outstanding, and the cash balance on hand at the close of the quarter  
  • Annually the Treasurer will submit a full financial report 
  • The annual report shall be tabled at an Annual General Meeting 
  • The full financial report shall detail the opening balance, various receipts and disbursements for the period and a balance on hand at the end of the period 
  • The annual report is referred to two members acting as an audit committee; the audit committee shall review the financial report and provide an audit to the Vice Chair/Treasurer   
  • A copy of the final audit report shall be provided to the NCPSB within 90 days of December 31st each year 

The Staff Liaison shall: 

  • Handle committee correspondence 
  • Prepare and distribute meeting notice and the agenda 
  • Prepare and maintain minutes for future reference 
  • Provide procedural advice to the Chair and Committee regarding the Terms of Reference, Procedural By-law, Rules of Order, Norfolk County Policy, and NCPSB policy. 
  • Distribute minutes to committee members and the Police Services Board 
  • Maintain records of committee and working group membership.  

Provide annual updates on county volunteer insurance 


Norfolk County Community Policing Committee
c/o Board Administrator
Police Services Board
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, ON  N3Y 4H3

519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK , extension 1246


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50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

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