1. Definitions
1. In this schedule,
(a) “Accessible Formats” means an alternate format that allows people with disabilities to access information in a manner other than how the format was originally delivered, and may include, but is not limited to, large print and Braille;
(b) “Taxicab” means a motor vehicle having a seating capacity of not more than eight (8) persons, exclusive of the driver, hired for one specific trip for the transportation exclusively of one person or a group of persons, one fare charge only being collected or made for the trip, including an Accessible Taxicab, but shall not include a public vehicle as defined in accordance with the Public Vehicles Act or successor legislation;
(c) “Taxicab Driver” means a person who is licensed as such or required to be licensed as such under this By-Law and includes a taxicab owner who drives a Taxicab or Accessible Taxicab;
(d) “Taxicab Owner” means a person who is licensed as such or required to be licensed as such under this By-Law and includes a lessee, licensed under this By-Law of a Taxicab or Accessible Taxicab owner’s vehicle;
(e) “Taxicab Plate” means a green metal plate, 3” by 5”, containing the words “TAXI”, “Norfolk County”, a number and current year sticker, to be attached to the rear bumper of the taxicab/ accessible taxicab on the passenger side, and for accessible taxicabs only, a sticker showing the international symbol of accessibility;
(f) “Annual Licence” means a licence issued to the applicant which expires at 11:59 p.m. on April 14th of a given year;
(g) “Business Case” means a written document submitted with the initial application for a Taxicab Owner’s licence which provides reasons, justification and benefits to Norfolk County by granting approval to increase the number of taxicab companies;
(h) “Carry on” when used in reference to a taxicab business means to continuously operate, engage, drive, or make a taxicab available for the conveyance of passengers for hire or reward and includes waiting for, accepting, or dispatching orders;
(i) “Conveyance” means to carry, transport, transfer or move;
(j) “Driver” means a person driving a vehicle required to be a taxicab, or limousine;
(k) “Expiry Date” means the date appearing after “this licence shall continue in force until ….” on all licences issued under this By-Law;
(l) “Fare” means the amount of money displayed on the taxicab meter at the conclusion of a trip to be paid by the passenger, or the flat rate allowed under the Schedule for the trip to be paid by the passenger, together with any additional charges allowed under the Schedule;
(m) “Limousine” means a motor vehicle that is available for or providing a conveyance service, excluding a Taxicab, and is dispatched via a Transportation Network Company;
(n) “Motor Vehicle” means a motor vehicle defined in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8, as amended;
(o) “Owner” includes a lessee of a vehicle, and includes any person, proprietorship, limited partnership, corporation or other entity which carries on the business of transporting passengers in Norfolk County;
(p) “Passenger” means any person in a taxicab or limousine other than the driver who has hired the owner or driver for a trip;
(q) “Person” includes any individual, partnership, firm, association or corporation;
(r) “Service Animal” means an animal that is a service animal for a person with a disability,
(i) If it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to his or her disability; or
(ii) if the person provides a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability;
And shall include a guide dog as defined in Section 1 of the Blind Persons Rights’ Act;
(s) “Taximeter” means a measuring device used in a taxicab to calculate the fare payable for a trip;
(t) “Transportation Network Company” means a person that Dispatches only by offering or operating any part of a mobile application or other electronic service that receives requests for transportation services from prospective passengers and connects such requests to a person operating a limousine;
(u) “Vehicle” means a vehicle defined in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8, as amended.
2. Classes of licences
2.1 The following classes of licensing are required for the operation of a taxicab in Norfolk County and shall be procured and maintained in good standing.
(a) A Taxicab business owner;
(b) A Taxicab driver;
(c) A Taxicab vehicle;
(d) A Limousine business owner;
(e) A Limousine driver;
(f) A Limousine vehicle
2.2 No Person shall carry on or engage in a trade, calling, business or occupation listed in Section 2 within the boundaries of Norfolk County unless he or she has valid and current Licences from Norfolk County permitting him or her to do so.
2.3 For the purposes of this By-Law, a Person is carrying on or engaging in any of the trades, callings, businesses or occupations listed in Section 2.1 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) when:
(a) Passengers are conveyed wholly within Norfolk County or from any point in Norfolk County to any point outside Norfolk County; or
(b) The usual business address of the person is within Norfolk County;
2.4 A Taxicab Owner shall not permit any person to operate a Taxicab or Limousine vehicle within the boundaries of Norfolk County unless the both the vehicle and Driver hold a valid and current Licence issued by Norfolk County.
2.5 No Licences issued under Section 2.1 (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) are transferable.
2.6 A valid Licence pursuant to the provisions of this By-Law does not relieve the applicant or licensee, as the case may be, from the obligation to comply with all other applicable By-Laws of Norfolk County and laws of the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada.
3. Taxicab or limousine owner business licence
3.1 Owner's Licence respecting any company shall file with the Licensing Officer the following:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) The fee prescribed in the Norfolk County User Fees & Services By- Law;
(c) Particulars of a criminal record which shall include a vulnerable sector police search and search of the pardoned sexual offenders database, dated within the last thirty-six (36) days, as provided by the Ontario Provincial Police or other police agency;
(d) Particulars of a driving record, dated within the last thirty-six (36) days, as provided by the Ministry of Transportation or other police agency is required if the Business owner intend to operate a vehicle themselves;
(e) Particulars of the vehicle(s) to be used in relation to the Business Licence, including;
(i) Proof of ownership of the vehicle;
(ii) A current safety standards certificate, dated within thirty-six (36) days of application; and
(iii) A Certificate of Insurance providing for third party liability of at least $2,000,000 insurance coverage.
(f) In respect of vehicles using propane or natural gas fuel, a certificate from a person duly qualified to provide such certificate dated not more than thirty-six (36) days prior to the approval of the Licence application;
(g) In respect of an Accessible Taxicab or Limousine, a certificate from a qualified person to the effect that the equipment which renders the Taxicab or Limousine an Accessible vehicle is safe and in proper working order; and,
(h) Furnish any evidence or information required by the Issuer of Licences or their designate to show that Taxicabs proposed for the business meet all requirements of this schedule for licensing.
3.2 Additional Requirements Taxicab and Limousine Owner Business Licence:
In the case of a new Business Licence upon completion of the investigations and searches set out above and the submission of a business case by the applicant the Licensing Officer shall recommend directly to the Council of Norfolk County respecting the issuance of a licence:
(i) The Licensing Officer shall recommend refusal in all instances where:
(a) An incomplete application has been submitted and upon request has not been rectified;
(b) The applicant does not present a valid business case justifying the need to increase the number of companies providing service to Norfolk County;
(c) The applicant has been convicted of an offence under this or any other legislation relating to vehicles for hire in Canada;
(d) The applicant has outstanding fines to the County;
(e) There is other information known to the Licensing Officer that provides a reasonable expectation that the applicant will not carry on business with honesty and integrity.
3.3 Upon receiving the Licensing Officer’s staff report the matter shall be brought before Council for consideration and the applicant shall be given notice of the meeting date.
(a) The County Clerk shall issue a written copy of Council’s decision whether or not to grant a new taxi business licence;
(b) When Council recommends refusal of issuance and that recommendation differs from the recommendation of the Licensing Officer, Council shall provide details outlining the reasoning for the refusal and also may also return the application fee if they so desire;
(c) Where Council authorizes initial issuance of a Taxicab Business Licence, the Licensing Officer shall issue the licence to the applicant.
3.4 (a) A licensee, including a person, partnership, firm, association or corporation, shall notify the Licensing Officer prior to any change in actual or legal control of the business to which the Licence relates.
(b) The change of legal control of a business requires the issuance of an application as a new business taxicab licence along with a business case and report to Council:
(i) If Information can be provided to satisfy the Licensing Officer that the new business can meet all the requirements of licensing under this schedule and will operate in similar fashion of the current business, the requirement for report to Council for a new taxicab business approval may be waived.
3.5 Right to Refuse Taxicab and Limousine Owners Business Licence Application:
The Licensing Officer has the ability to refuse to accept an application for a Taxicab or Limousine Business Licence in instances where:
(a) The applicant, business or partnership has previously applied for a licence within the last two calendar years;
(b) The applicant previously held a taxicab business licence which was suspended, or revoked;
(c) Processing of an application would be contrary to an order of the By- Law Appeals Committee or other level of court.
3.6 A decision under 3.5 (a), (b), and (c) to refuse to process an application for a Business Licence is appealable to the Licensing Officer whose determination on whether or not to process is final for a two year period.
4. Driver Licence
4.1 Each Driver shall prior to licensing submit the following:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) The fee prescribed in the Norfolk County User Fees & Services By- Law;
(c) Particulars of a criminal record which shall include a vulnerable sector police search and search of the pardoned sexual offenders database, dated within the last thirty-six (36) days, as provided by the Ontario Provincial Police or other police agency;
(d) Particulars of a driving record, dated within the last thirty-six (36) days, as provided by the Ministry of Transportation or other police agency. In the case of an Accessible Taxicab or Limousine, the Driver must furnish proof of having completed a Training Program with respect to the handling, safety restraint, transportation, care and safety of passengers with disabilities at the time of application;
(e) All information must be submitted in full a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to issuance or required renewal of a Drivers Licence
4.2 No Driver licence will be issued when:
(a) A Driver presents a driving abstract with five (5) or more demerit points.
(i) Appeal of non-issuance of a Drivers Licence due to demerit points may be made to the By-Law Appeals Committee pending the filing of an appeal and without the prescribed fee.
(b) Has not sufficiently completed required forms;
(c) Has failed to pay the current or previous licensing fee;
(d) Has been convicted of a criminal offence during the preceding five (5) years for which a pardon has not been granted;
(e) Has been convicted at any time of an offence which in the opinion of the Licensing Officer is related to an incident of violence, assault or weapons;
(i) Those denied a licence under Section 4.2 (e) shall be permitted to file an appeal with the By-Law Appeals Committee without the prescribed fee;
(f) Is the subject of outstanding criminal charge(s) or a Careless Driving Charge(s) at the date of the application;
(g) The issuance of a licence is contrary to a ban or suspension placed upon the driver by the By-Law appeals Committee;
5. Driver Conduct
5.1 Any of the following infractions can result in a driver facing suspension, revocation or non-renewal of a licence:
(a) The use of discourteous language or profanity in front of a customer;
(b) Overcharging, metre tampering or other similar abuse;
(c) Smoking or allowing customers to smoke in the taxicab or limousine;
(d) Repeated failure to maintain taxicab or limousine in neat and clean fashion;
(e) Operating a vehicle in contravention of any other sections of this By-Law;
(f) Failure to surrender taxicab or limousine licence immediately to the Licensing Officer after charged with a criminal offence or Careless Driving Charge or upon their Driver Licence being suspended for any period of time.
5.2 Vehicle Licence
Each vehicle shall meet the following requirements prior to issuance of a licence:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) The fee prescribed in the Norfolk County User Fees & Services By-Law;
(c) Particulars of the vehicle to be used including;
(i) Proof of ownership of the vehicle;
(ii) A current safety standards certificate, dated within thirty-six
(36) days of application;
(iii) A Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.
(d) In respect of vehicles using propane or natural gas fuel, a certificate from a person duly qualified to provide such certificate dated not more than thirty- six (36) days prior to the approval of the Licence application;
(e) In respect of an Accessible Taxicab or limousine, a certificate from a qualified person to the effect that the equipment which renders the Taxicab an Accessible Taxicab or limousine is safe and in proper working order;
(f) Furnish any evidence or information required by the Licensing Officer or their designate to show that vehicles proposed for the business meet all requirements of this schedule for licensing;
(g) Particulars of the vehicle(s) to be used in relation to the Business Licence;
(h) Vehicles including fare metres must be presented for inspection prior to licence issuance or renewal;
(i) At their discretion the Licensing Officer may approve alternative fare metre technologies.
6.1 Vehicle Requirements
() All vehicles are required to be kept clean and orderly at all times both on the exterior and interior this includes:
(i) No visible rust;
(ii) No dents;
(iii) Paint on vehicles must be uniform and consistent;
(iv) Any trash must be place in an appropriate receptacle
(v) Exteriors of vehicles must be washed regularly and should not have an accumulation of dust or dirt;
(vi) Interiors of vehicles must be cleaned and vacuumed regularly.
(b) Effective January 1, 2021 no licence shall be issued to a vehicle that is over eight (8) years old.
7. General Requirements and Offences
7.1 (a) When the Licensing Officer or any Municipal Law Enforcement Officer believes, on reasonable grounds, that a vehicle or its equipment is not safe, they may issue and order in writing requiring that the licensee produces a valid safety standards certificate relating to that vehicle dated after the date of notice;
(b) No Driver shall operate and no Owner or Licensee shall permit to be operated a vehicle after receipt of the notice referred to in this section until the Licensing Officer or Municipal Law Enforcement Officer has been provided with a valid safety standards certificate as required in this section;
(c) If a licensee does not produce a safety standards certificate within seventy- two (72) hours of receiving the notice referred to in this section, the Licensing Officer or designate shall revoke the vehicle Licence and suspend the Drivers Licence;
(d) The revocation of a vehicle licence for safety reasons or failure to provide a valid safety standards certificate within the allotted time frame is not appealable and can only be remedied through the purchase of a new vehicle licence.
7.2 (a) A licensee and a Driver employed by him or her shall produce, in respect of any vehicle being operated by the Driver, evidence of insurance as required under this By-Law forthwith upon demand of the Licensing Officer, a peace officer or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer;
(b) If a licensee or a Driver employed by him or her, does not produce evidence of insurance when demanded pursuant to this section, the Licensing Officer shall suspend the Licence forthwith;
(c) In instances where the inability to provide insurance is related to the Business Licence all Drivers licences issued underneath that business shall also be suspended;
(d) If by the end of the next regular business day following the day of suspension the licensee has provided adequate proof of insurance to the Issuer of Licences shall reinstate the Licence;
(i) If adequate proof of insurance is not provided by the end of the next regular business day following the date of suspension all the related licences shall be revoked, such revocation is not appealable.
(ii) If within fifteen (15) days of revocation the Business provides adequate proof of insurance along with all the fees associated for new licences for the Business and Drivers new Licences will be issued without a full application process required; save and except in instances when the timing of issuance would subvert the regular annual renewal process.
7.3 The Licensing Officer or designate shall suspend or revoke any Drivers Licence when they become aware of the licensee no longer would meet any of the requirements of issuance under the initial Drivers Licence application process.
7.4 The Licensing Officer shall suspend or revoke any Driver if:
(a) The licensee’s Ontario driver's licence is suspended for any reason;
(b) The licensee is charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or the Controlled Drug & Substances Act;
(c) The licensee is charged with an offence under the Liquor Licence Act for the Province of Ontario if the charge relates in any way to the use or operation of a Taxicab or Limousine.
7.5 (a) The Licencing Officer may suspend or revoke or fail to renew a licence when a Driver for any other matter of non-compliance or infractions as outlined in this schedule
(b) Upon Suspension or Revocation of a Drivers licence the licensee is required to immediately surrender their licence.
(c) Upon Suspension or Revocation of a Licence the By-Law Appeals committee shall hold a Show Cause Hearing within thirty (30) days and proper notice shall be provided to the licensee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing.
(d) The decision of the By-Law Appeals Committee is final.
8. General Provisions
8.1 The general provisions relating to Owners and Drivers in this Part apply to all Owners and Drivers required to be licensed under this By-Law.
8.2 Every Owner:
(a) Shall submit their vehicles for examination or inspection at any time when required by the County Clerk or a person designated by the County Clerk;
(b) Shall investigate immediately, any mechanical defect in their accessible vehicle reported to him by a Driver or any other person;
(c) Shall report any change of his business address or his residence address to the Clerk with two (2) days of the change;
(d) Shall ensure that every driver provides, or will arrange for the provision of, accessible formats upon request and shall notify the public about the availability of accessible formats;
(e) Shall ensure that an Accessible Taxicab or Limousine and Accessible Taxicab or Limousine Driver meets the requirements as defined in Regulation 629 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Persons) made under the;.
(f) Shall notify the Licensing Officer forthwith if any Driver using their vehicle:
a. Is the subject of a charges under the Criminal Code of Canada or the Controlled Drug & Substances Act;
b. Has been convicted of a criminal offence;
c. Has their Provincial Drivers Licence suspended for any duration.
8.3 No Owner,
(a) Shall permit a vehicle to be operated if the vehicle or its equipment is unsafe;
(b) Shall permit that vehicle to be operated unless it is insured as required by this By-Law;
(c) Shall permit any person, other than a Licensed Driver employed by him, to operate a vehicle;
(d) Shall prevent or hinder a person authorized by the County Clerk from entering an vehicle owned by him for the purpose of inspecting the vehicle;
(e) Shall permit an Accessible Taxicab or Taxicab, or Accessible Limousine or Limousine, in respect of which a mechanical defect has been reported to him, to be operated until he or she has inspected and ensured that the mechanical defect, if any, has been corrected;
(f) Shall permit a Driver to operate a vehicle unless the Driver complies with all licensing requirements;
(g) Shall permit anyone to smoke in a vehicle in accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
8.4 Every Driver,
(a) Shall maintain in good standing, a valid and subsisting driver's licence issued by the Province of Ontario;
(b) Shall list on his application for an Drivers Licence or any renewal application therefore, all employers for whom he or she is working as a Driver at the time of such application;
(c) Shall notify the Licensing Officer forthwith of any change in his or her employment as a Driver;
(d) Shall report any change of address to the Licensing Officer within two (2) days of the change;
(e) Shall notify the Licensing Officer immediately if they are:
a. Subject of a charges under the Criminal Code of Canada or the
Controlled Drug & Substances Act;
b. Has been convicted of a criminal offence ;
c. Has had their Provincial Drivers Licence suspended for any duration.
(f) Shall produce his or her Licence to permit the change to be entered hereon at the time of notification of the change;
(g) Shall inspect an Accessible Taxicab, Taxicab, Accessible Limousine, or Limousine which he or she intends to operate at the commencement of each work shift and at the conclusion of each work shift and shall maintain a log of each inspection;
(h) Shall report any mechanical defects which are disclosed during these inspections forthwith to the Taxicab Owner;
(i) Shall submit the vehicle in their care and control for examination or inspection at any time by the County Clerk or a person designated by the County Clerk, upon demand of that person;
(j) Shall report to their employer, any accident in which the Taxicab Driver has been involved while operating an Taxicab or Limousine forthwith;
(k) Shall return a Taxicab or Limousine to their employer promptly at the conclusion of the Driver's work shift if required by the Owner;
(l) Shall produce to a police officer or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, upon demand of that officer any Licence issued pursuant to this By-Law;
(m) Shall produce to a police officer or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, upon demand of that officer, their driver's licence issued by the Province of Ontario;
(n) Shall attend at the identified County Office location for the purposes of obtaining a photo identification card.
(o) Shall ensure wheelchairs are securely anchored to the vehicle prior to providing an Accessible Taxicab Service and ensure that the vehicle meets the requirements as defined in Regulation 629 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Person) made under the Highway Traffic Act;
(p) Shall provide, or arrange for the provision of, accessible formats upon request and shall notify the public about the availability of accessible formats;
8.5 No Accessible Taxicab, Taxicab, Accessible Limousine, or Limousine Driver,
(a) Shall operate any Motor Vehicle required to be a Taxicab or Limousine unless he or she has a valid and subsisting driver's licence issued by the Province of Ontario;
(b) Shall operate any other vehicle required in a manner that is defined as that of a Taxicab or Limousine unless it has a valid vehicle licence;
(c) While having care and control of a Taxicab or Limousine, shall permit any person, other than another Taxicab Driver licensed under this By-Law, to operate the Motor Vehicle;
(d) Shall operate a Taxicab or Limousine unless the licence issued by the County Clerk containing his or her name is affixed in the place in the vehicle approved by the County Clerk and in such manner that the same is plainly visible to and readable by Passengers;
(e) Shall operate a Taxicab or Limousine if he reasonably believes the vehicle or its equipment is unsafe;
(f) Shall operate a Taxicab or Limousine that is not insured as required by this By-Law;
(g) Shall prevent or hinder a person authorized by the County Clerk from entering the vehicle in the care and control of the Driver for the purpose of inspecting the vehicle or its equipment;
(h) Shall operate a Taxicab or Limousine which contains more occupants than the number of seats normally available for occupancy for the vehicle;
(i) Shall permit anyone to smoke in a Taxicab or Limousine in accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act;
(j) Shall drive, or act as a driver of any Accessible Taxicab or Accessible Limousine without first having completed a Training Program with respect to the handling, safety restraint, transportation, care and safety of passengers with disabilities, written proof of which shall be provided prior to the issuance of any Accessible Taxicab or Limousine Licence.
8.6 (a) No Driver shall operate a Taxicab unless it is equipped with a taximeter in proper working order, which taximeter shall compute fares to be paid in accordance with distance traveled and time elapsed;
(i) Notwithstanding 8.6(a), the Licensing Officer may review and approve alternative technologies for fare tracking.
(b) In respect of all trips, except when a fare has been negotiated pursuant to the terms allowed in this schedule, a Taxicab Driver shall activate the taximeter to compute the fares to be paid in accordance with distance traveled and time elapsed immediately upon a Passenger entering the vehicle, and shall keep the taximeter so activated throughout the trip;
(c) Every Taxicab Driver shall, upon request of the County Clerk, provide all particulars of an agreement entered into relative to the charging of fares, including any written contract or other document, and any invoices, receipts or other evidence of payment, immediately upon such request being made;
(d) Every Taxicab Driver shall follow the shortest possible route to the destination requested by a Passenger unless the Passenger designates another route;
(e) No Taxicab Driver shall knowingly mislead or deceive any Passenger or potential Passenger as to the location or distance to a place to which the Passenger or potential Passenger intends or wishes to travel.
8.7 No Driver shall operate a Vehicle under this By-Law unless:
(a) It is equipped with an extra tire and wheel ready for use;
(b) The interior and exterior are clean and in good repair; and,
(c) The vehicle and its equipment are free from mechanical defects.
8.8 Requirements Upon Taxicab Drivers:
(a) Every Taxicab Driver shall maintain a daily record (hereinafter called the “trip record”) of all trips made by him or her as a Driver of a Taxicab, and the trip record shall be prepared immediately upon the conclusion of a trip and prior to the commencement of the next trip, and shall contain the following information:
(i) The point of origin and the point of conclusion of the trip;
(ii) The number of Passengers;
(iii) The fare charged, and
(iv) The Ontario licence plate number of the vehicle.
(b) Every Taxicab Driver shall submit his or her trip record for a work shift to the Taxicab Owner at the conclusion of that shift.
8.9 (a) Every Taxicab Driver shall serve the first person requiring the service of his Taxicab at any place within the area municipality to which the Taxicab Owner's Licence relates at any time, unless,
(i) He has reasonable concerns for his safety;
(ii) He has reasonable concerns that his fare may not be paid, or
(iii) He has made prior arrangements to accept another Passenger, the proof of which lies upon the Taxicab Driver in any proceeding under this By-Law;
(b) Every Taxicab Driver shall deliver all property or money found in his Taxicab immediately to the owner thereof, or if the owner cannot be located immediately, to the nearest police station together with any information concerning the owner of the property or money which is in the possession of the Taxicab Driver;
(c) No Taxicab Driver, other than a driver of a Taxicab which is being used for the transportation of children to and from school, shall take on any additional Passenger after the commencement of the trip without the consent of the first Passenger taken on during that trip, unless emergency conditions exist.
8.10 Every Taxicab Driver:
(a) Shall display a current tariff card issued by the County Clerk, setting out the rates to be charged in a conspicuous place in the Taxicab so as to be conveniently seen and read by Passengers and will indicate the same number as shown on the Taxi plate attached to the rear bumper on the passenger side of the vehicle and display that accessible formats are available upon request;
(b) Shall charge rates to Passengers in accordance with the Rate Schedule set out on the tariff card, or in accordance with the agreement reached if the fare is being charged pursuant to the allowances of this schedule;
(c) Shall not charge a higher fare or an additional fee for persons with disabilities than for persons without disabilities for the same trip;
(d) Shall not charge a fee for the storage of mobility aids or mobility assistive devices;
(e) Shall, if a person with a disability is accompanied by a service animal, permit the person to use the Taxicab he/she is driving with the service animal and to keep the service animal with him or her;
(f) Upon the request of the Passenger, shall provide a receipt of the fare paid showing the amount of the fare paid, the vehicle licence plate number of the Taxicab and the date.
8.11 Every Taxicab Owner:
(a) Shall affix a taximeter or approved device or technology, to register distances traveled and time elapsed and to compute fares to be paid, in a conspicuous place in the Taxicab, such place to be approved by the County Clerk or person appointed by the County Clerk;
(b) Shall submit any taximeter for testing or inspection by such person as the County Clerk may designate at the times required by that person;
(c) Shall adjust the taximeter in accordance with rates prescribed from time to time by the County Clerk and submit a Calibration Certificate from a qualified company to verify the proper adjustment;
(d) Shall permit the use of the taximeter only when the seal thereon is intact;
(e) Maintain the taximeter in proper working condition.
8.12 Every Taxicab Owner shall:
(a) Display, in a conspicuous place in the Taxicab, a current tariff card issued by the County Clerk setting out rates to be charged, so as to be conveniently seen and read by passengers and will indicate the same number as shown on the Taxi plate attached to the rear bumper on the passenger side of the vehicle and display that accessible formats are available upon request;,
(b) Affix a sign on the roof of the Taxicab indicating that the vehicle is a Taxicab;
(c) Install and maintain in proper working order a roof light that turns off when the meter is activated, or alternatively, a dashboard light that turns on when the meter is activated, both of which lights must be installed so that they are clearly visible to persons outside the Taxicab;
(d) Install an Taxicab Plate to the rear bumper of the taxicab on the passenger side;
(e) No Taxicab Owner shall permit any advertisement to be displayed on the Taxicab that is unsightly or in poor repair;
(f) No Taxicab Owner shall permit any Taxicab Driver to operate the Taxicab unless the Taxicab Driver maintains a trip record as provided in section.
8.13 Every Taxicab Owner shall:
(a) Keep the trip record referred to in this section for a period of at least twelve (12) months;
(b) Permit any person authorized by the County Clerk to inspect the trip record on the premises, or
(c) Remove the trip record from the premises for the purpose of inspection.
8.15 (a) Every Taxicab Owner shall ensure that Drivers of his Taxicab charge rates to Passengers in accordance with the rate schedule set out on the tariff card issued by the County Clerk, or in accordance with an agreement for services of the Taxicab pursuant to requirement of this Schedule.
(b) In the event that the Council changes the metered rates to be charged to Passengers for the use of a Taxicab, the Taxicab Owner shall make the necessary mechanical changes to the taximeter within three (3) weeks from the date of approval to the satisfaction of the Licensing Officer;
(c) Every Taxicab Owner shall provide to the Taxicab Driver, upon request of a Driver, a receipt for all monies turned over to the Owner by the Driver at the end of the Driver's shift;
(d) Every Taxicab Owner shall, upon request of the County Clerk, provide all particulars of an agreement entered into relative to the charging of fares including any written contract or other documents, and any invoices, receipts or other evidence of payment;
(e) Every Taxicab Owner shall ensure that Taxicab or Drivers operating the Owner's Taxicabs comply with the provisions of this By-Law;
(f) Every Taxicab Owner shall ensure that no person employed by him or her shall carry any radio equipment, radio scanners or other equipment capable of monitoring radio calls other than the equipment used or required to transmit to or receive broadcasts or signals from the radio dispatcher for whom the Driver is working.
8.16 A Business Owner shall not permit his or her vehicle to be operated unless:
(a) He or she has procured and maintained in good standing, a standard automobile policy of insurance providing for third party liability of at least $2,000,000.00 insurance coverage for the use designated in the Licence; and
(b) The policy of insurance contains an endorsement requiring that the insurer give to the Licensing Officer at least ten (10) days' notice of any proposed cancellation or variation of the policy.
8.17 (a) All Licences issued shall be signed by the Licensing Officer, or designate, and the signature may be stamped, printed or mechanically reproduced on the Licence.
(b) The Expiry Date for all Annual Licences issued under this By-Law shall be 11:59 p.m. April 14th of each year.
(c) No Taxicab Owner’s Licence shall be issued unless the applicant has:
(i) Provided off street parking for the number of vehicles for which an Taxicab licence is being applied; and
(ii) Satisfied the Licensing Officer of the proper zoning on the location where the business will operate from.
9. General Provisions – Limousines
9.1 Prohibitions:
(a) No limousine driver shall:
(a) Provide a Conveyance Service without such service being arranged through a mobile application or other electronic service that receives requests for transportation services from passengers and connects such requests to a person operating a limousine;
(b) Accept payment of a Fare other than through a mobile payment application or other electronic service that receives requests for transportation services from passengers and connects such requests to a person operating a limousine;
(c) Provide a Conveyance Service without the request for such service being dispatched by a Transportation Network Company;
(d) Publish or cause to be published any representation that they are licensed under this By-Law or hold themselves out as being licensed under this By-Law if they are not.
10. Application of By-Law Exemptions
10.1 This By-Law shall not apply to:
a. A motor vehicle with a seating capacity of not more than 8 individuals, including the driver;
b. An ambulance or funeral hearse;
c. A school bus as defined under the Highway Traffic Act that is licensed under the Public Vehicles Act while it conveys students to and from school as defined under the Highway Traffic Act;
d. A bus operated under Ride Norfolk;
e. Any person Ride Norfolk enters into an agreement with for the conveyance of senior citizens or persons with disabilities;
f. A motor vehicle used by not-for-profit organizations registered in the province of Ontario for the purpose of transporting senior citizens or persons with disabilities; designated driver services for which a designated driver drives the customer in the customer’s vehicle to at least one destination; or,
g. Courtesy vehicles in association with motor vehicle repair shops where a customer is driven to a predetermined destination.
Schedule 10(i) to By-Law 2020-17
Tariff of rates for taxicabs
The permitted maximum fares for Taxicabs licensed by Norfolk County shall be as follows (All rates include taxes):
Meter Drop Rate: $ 3.75
Each additional kilometrer: $ 2.50
Waiting Time: $35.00/hr
Handling of groceries, parcels, luggage: $0.50
Additional Passengers:
- (6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight): $0.50/person
- (12:01 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.): $2.00/person
Deliveries within urban areas*: $8.00/delivery
Senior Rates - within urban areas*: $7.00
*All prices include HST
*Urban Areas as defined in the Official Plan.