Civic Addressing By-Law
By-Law 2018-37
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Being a By-Law to establish a policy for the numbering of lots or buildings along roads and for displaying civic numbers of lots or buildings, and road identification within Norfolk County.
1. Repeal
Effective upon the passing date of this By-Law, By-Law 2007-192 be hereby repealed.
2. Conflict
Nothing in this By-Law shall be construed as authorizing non-compliance with any laws, regulations, by-laws, lawful orders, or directives pursuant to any other statue, regulation, or statutory or regulatory authority that may require the posting of civic numbering on structures or properties or the posting of road names on private roads or which may specify standards in respect of the posting of civic numbers or road names.
3. Definitions
3.1 Civic Addressing Coordinator
The Civic Addressing Coordinator shall be the General Manager of Development and Cultural Services or their designate.
3.2 Norfolk County Street Name List
The Norfolk County Street Name List is a database listing all currently or historically registered road names. The Norfolk County Street Name List shall be maintained by the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
3.3 Norfolk County Street Name Registry
The Norfolk County Street Name Registry is a database listing names which can be applied to new roads. This registry contains potential street names with significance to local history and natural heritage, as well as a list of all fallen soldiers from the area. The Norfolk County Street Name Registry shall be maintained by the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
3.4 Development Approval
Development Approval shall mean any approval authorized or required under the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990.
3.5 Signed Area
For the purpose of this By-Law, a Signed Area refers to all rural areas and communities which contain the reflective green address signs. This includes all areas of Norfolk County, excluding the built up areas of the following communities: Courtland, Delhi, Langton, Long Point, Port Dover, Port Rowan, Port Ryerse, Simcoe, Walsingham and Waterford or as determined by the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
4. Civic Numbers
4.1 Existing Civic Numbers
A civic number that has been assigned for a lot or building on the date of the passing of this By-Law is hereby assigned to that lot or building until such time as the Civic Addressing Coordinator directs otherwise.
4.2 Applying For New Civic Numbers
4.2.1 The Civic Addressing Coordinator shall assign Civic Numbers for new lots as part of the Development Approval Process.
4.2.2 The Civic Addressing Coordinator shall assign a new civic number for a lot or building upon receipt of a completed application and applicable fees, processed at the time a building permit is applied for.
4.2.3 The Civic Addressing Coordinator may assign a civic number for a vacant lot upon receipt of a completed application and applicable fees.
4.2.4 The Civic Addressing Coordinator may, in accordance with Subsection 4.3.15, assign (an) additional civic number(s) for a lot or building upon receipt of a completed application and applicable fees.
4.3 Assigning civic numbers
4.3.1 The Civic Addressing Coordinator shall be responsible for the assigning of civic numbers.
4.3.2 Numbers shall be sequential in such a pattern as the Civic Addressing Coordinator sees fit.
4.3.3 Odd numbers shall be assigned to one side of the road and even numbers assigned to the other.
4.3.4 Where a civic address is required for a lot or building, and it is found that there is insufficient supply of numbers, the civic number may have a letter suffix added to maintain sequential order.
4.3.5 New civic numbers in existing developed areas will be assigned in a way that is consistent with flow and intervals of existing civic numbering in the area immediately adjacent to the new lot or building to be numbered.
4.3.6 Civic numbers for new Development Approvals shall be assigned in accordance with the following guidelines:
- A numbering interval shall be assigned to leave room for potential development changes.
- Odd and even numbers should, where possible, be applied in a manner consistent with the area immediately adjacent to the new development.
- Numerical flow should, where possible, be consistent with the area local to the new development.
4.3.7 Extensions of existing roads shall be numbered, where possible, by extending the numerical direction and interval of the civic numbering used on the existing portion of the road to be extended.
4.3.8 Any development providing access to buildings or units from a single private road is given one civic number, and the units are to be assigned unit identifiers or as determined by the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
4.3.9 In general, any development providing access to buildings or units from multiple private roads are required to name and sign each road and each building given a civic number or as determined by the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
4.3.1 O Any "on street" housing projects (such as row housing or link housing) will have a separate civic number assigned for each unit.
4.3.11 In general, dwelling located on private roads shall be assigned addresses off of the private road.
4.3.12 The Civic Addressing Coordinator may assign civic numbers to lots or buildings to fulfill conditions of a consent application, or site plan approval upon receipt of a completed application and applicable fees.
4.3.13 Trailer parks, mobile home parks and campgrounds will be assigned on civic number, and the individual units or sites will be identified by their unit or site numbers as assigned by the owner.
4.3.14 The Civic Addressing Coordinator is not obliged to assign civic numbers to undeveloped lots.
4.3.15 The Civic Addressing Coordinator is not obliged to assign additional civic numbers to a lot which has been previously assigned a number. Any request for an additional civic address must demonstrate that the additional address is required to improve delivery of Municipal and/or Emergency Services to the lot or building or that it is required by another agency or utility.
4.4 Change and reassignment of civic numbers
4.4.1 The Civic Addressing Coordinator may change or reassign civic numbers where necessary to avoid potentially confusing numbering irregularities and to assure an adequate supply of civic numbers for existing and future development. Affected landowners shall be notified in writing.
4.4.2 The County Shall not be liable for any costs or damage whatsoever that may be incurred by a property owner due to the reassignment of their civic number.
4.5 Deletion of civic numbers
4.5.1 If a property owner uses the assigned civic number for anything other than the use specified when the civic number was applied for, the Civic Addressing Coordinator may revoke the civic number.
4.5.2 If a property owner fails to demonstrate that any existing civic address improves delivery of Municipal and/or Emergency Services to the lot or building, or that it is needed for another agency or utility, the Civic Addressing Coordinator may revoke the civic number.
4.5.3 If a civic number is no longer required for its intended use, such as a demolished building, the Civic Addressing Coordinator may revoke the civic number.
4.5.4 The County shall not be liable for any costs or damage whatsoever that may be incurred by a property owner due to the deletion of a civic address.
4.5.5 Deletion of civic numbers may include, but is not limited to the above subsections under Section 4.5, and shall be at the discretion of the Civic Addressing Coordinator.
4.6 Posting civic numbers
4.6.1 For lots or building located in a non-signed area civic number signage is the responsibility of the property owner. Numbers shall be affixed to the building or placed on the property in such a manner as to be clearly legible from the street.
4.6.2 For lots or buildings located in a signed area, upon receipt of the relevant fees, civic number signage shall be created and installed according to the following criteria:
- Numbers shall be a minimum of four inches (4") in height and shall be three quarters of an inch (3/4") in width and shall be white 3M Engineered Grade Reflective Sheeting and placed on both sides of a sign plate. The sign plate shall be a minimum of six inches (6'') in height and twelve inches (12") in length for those signs with two (2) digits or less and a minimum of six inches (6'') in height and eighteen inches (18") in length for those signs with three or four (3 or 4) digits. The sign plate shall be 16 gauge steel with green Hi Intensity Prismatic (HIP) reflective sheeting.
- The sign plate shall be affixed to a post, so that the sign plate is horizontal to the ground and perpendicular to the road. The sign plate shall be a minimum of four feet (4') and a maximum of six and a half feet (6 1/2') above grade.
- The sign and posts will be erected at or near the front property line, adjacent to the driveway or as close as possible. Suggested location shall be within 10 feet of the property line and within 10 feet of the driveway. (Unobstructed by mailboxes, trees, bushes etc.)
4.7 Replacement/maintenance
The owner of a property on which a civic number is issued shall be responsible for maintaining a sign displaying the number, in good condition and in location visible and legible from the abutting road (while travel in either direction).
If the condition of a civic number sign located within a signed area is rendered illegible, either through loss, natural aging or damage, it shall be the owner's responsibility to contact the municipality for replacement in accordance to section 4.6.2.
4.8 Refusing or failure to comply
It shall be an offence for a person to refuse or fail to comply with a written notice issued by the Civic Addressing Coordinator which assigns, reassigns, or deletes a civic number of a lot or building.
5. Road names
5.1 Existing road names
A road name that is recorded in the Norfolk County Street Name List for a road on the date of the passing of this By-Law is hereby assigned to that road.
5.2 Road renaming
Renaming a road should be avoided, whenever possible.
5.2.1 From time to time Council may direct that a road be renamed. The new road name must meet the road naming approval criteria outlined in Section 5.4.
5.2.2 The Civic Addressing Coordinator, through approval from council may, by written notice to affected owners, rename a road when a duplication of the name exists within the county or when renaming would provide a general improvement to Municipal and Emergency Services and is in the public's interest.
5.2.3 Upon receipt of a completed application, and relevant fees the Civic Addressing Coordinator, shall forward a report to Council, outlining the results of appropriate consultation together with a staff recommendation based on criteria contained in this by-law, to seek approval to rename a road on behalf of a citizen. The application shall include a petition signed by a minimum of 80% of the affected property owners showing support of the road name change. The new road name must meet the road naming approval criteria outlined in section 5.4. All costs associated to the renaming will be the responsibility of the applicant.
5.2.4 The County shall not be liable for any costs or damage whatsoever that may be incurred by a property owner due to the renaming of a road.
5.3 Applying for new road names
5.3.1 The Civic Addressing Coordinator shall approve the selection of new road names from the Norfolk County Street Name Registry for new roads within a development as part of the approval process.
5.3.2 Naming of new private roads created through the land development process will be the prerogative of the developer, providing that 50% of the names within the development are chosen from the Norfolk County Street Name Registry and that all other proposed street names have been vetted and screened according to Section 5.4 by the Civic Addressing Coordinator for final approval.
5.3.3 Naming of new Municipal roads created through the land development process will be the prerogative of the developer, providing that 50% of the street names within the development are chosen from the Norfolk County Street Name Registry and that all other proposed street names have been vetted and screened according to section 5.4 by the Civic Addressing Coordinator for final approval.
5.3.4 From time to time, at the direction of Council, a public road may be named, following the road naming approval criteria listed in section 5.4
5.3.5 The County may name or change the name of a private road after giving public notice of its intention to pass the by-law as required under Section 48 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended and Norfolk County Public Notice By-Law 2008-25.
5.4 Approving new road names
5.4.1 The civic Addressing Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining a sufficient supply of road names in the Norfolk County Street Name Registry, according to the following criteria:
- Be a Maximum of 2 words. (Excluding road type and direction)
- Not exceed 20 Characters long. (Including spaces, but excluding road type and direction)
- Not use hyphens, commas, punctuation etc.
- Not be derogatory or offensive in any way, including phonetically.
- Not be a duplicate of any name in the Norfolk County Street Name List.
- No new road names shall begin with the use of "Old" and "New" as a base name.
- Identical names with different suffixes will not be accepted.
- Identical names with different extensions will be discouraged .
- Not be phonetically similar to any name in the Norfolk County Street Name List.
- Not incorporate product, trademark, or copyright names.
- Not be hard to pronounce.
- All names shall be of the commonly acceptable spelling, according to a standard Canadian English dictionary.
- Road names incorporating names of living people shall be discouraged.
- The use of historically significant names shall be encouraged .
- The use of names of deceased local war veterans shall be encouraged.
5.4.2 The following list of road type suffixes is to be used as a guideline when approving new street names.
- AVENUE -A roadway or thoroughfare that is continuous and not limited to a single subdivision.
- BOULEVARD -A street with a landscaped median, dividing the road.
- CIRCLE - Permanently dead-end street or terminating in a cul-de sac and containing a centre island.
- COURT - Permanently dead-end street or terminating in a cul-de- sac.
- DRIVE - A curvilinear street.
- LANE - Minor street within a subdivision.
- PARKWAY -A thoroughfare designated as a collector or arterial, with a median reflecting the parkway character implied in the name.
- PLACE - Permanently dead-end street or terminating in a cul-de- sac, or short through street.
- ROAD - A designated thoroughfare.
- STREET - The common or default suffix.
- WAY - A curvilinear street.
- CRESCENT -A curvilinear street.
5.5 Alternate road names
No road name signs shall be posted displaying any road name other than the official street names maintained in the Norfolk County Street Name List.
5.6 Posting road names
5.6.1 Identification of provincially or municipally owned road is the responsibility of the respective jurisdiction.
5.6.2 The owners of a private road shall ensure that a road name sign is erected according to the specifications listed below:
- Road name signs shall be mounted on separate poles from regulatory signs, whenever possible, and be located at all intersections in a manner approved by the General Manager, Public Works or designate.
- Road name sign plates shall be extruded aluminum blades with Hi Intensity Prismatic (HIP) reflective sheeting to the plate. Lettering shall be reflective white. Lettering should be on both sides of the sign where applicable.
- Lettering shall be done by the application of die cut letters, or by the heat-fixed screening process, subject to the approval of the
General Manager, Public Works or designate. Lettering shall be upper case standard block condensed style. Lettering size and sign plate height shall be as follows:
- 102mm (4") Lettering Height/ 203mm (8") sign blank height
- 110mm (4.3") Lettering Height/ 152.4mm (6'') sign blank height
- 50mm (2") high address numbers, if required by the county
6. Compliance
6.1 Special conditions
Upon application by an owner, the Civic Addressing Coordinator may provide written authorization for signage for civic numbers or road names to vary from the standards contained in this by-Law, with or without conditions, when:
a) compliance with the standards is not reasonably possible, having regard to the physical features of the site or otherwise; or
b) compliance would not as effectively meet the objectives of this By-Law as an alternative approach
An authorization under this section may be revoked or varied by the Civic Addressing Coordinator. Owners shall comply with any conditions contained within authorizations granted under this section.
7. Cost recovery
Any official civic number sign not affixed in accordance with section 4.6, may be affixed by the Civic Address Coordinator or designate, and all expenses incurred in connection with the numbering or renumbering shall be collected in the same manner as taxes.
8. Violations
Every person who violates any provision of this By-Law, upon conviction, is guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine in an amount to be determined pursuant to the Provincial Offences Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter P .33.
9. Effective date
The effective date of this By-Law shall be the date of passage thereof.
Enacted and passed this 24th day of April, 2018.
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50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0