Marriage – Civil Marriage Solemnization Services By-law
By-law number: 2023-55
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Being a by-law to authorize the civil marriage solemnization service in Norfolk County.
1. That Council for the Corporation of Norfolk County does hereby direct that the civil marriage solemnization service be implemented in Norfolk County.
2. That Council recognizes that the following individuals are authorized to solemnize marriages as set out under Ontario Regulation 285/04 and the Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 3 for the Province of Ontario:
- Genevieve Scharback, County Clerk
- Tracey Rodrigues, Deputy County Clerk
- Heidy VanDyk, General Manager, Corporate Services
- Marie Cook, Licensing Officer
- Kevin Brandt, Committee Coordinator
3. That the County Clerk and/or Deputy County Clerk may, at her/his discretion, solemnize civil marriages at times and locations which are agreeable to both parties.
4. That By-Law No. 2021-133 is hereby rescinded.
5. That this by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of passage.
Enacted and passed this 18th day of July, 2023
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Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0