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Closure or Reduced Service Level Policy

Policy CAO-01

Online policies are for information purposes only. This is not an official version of the policy or an exact reproduction.

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  • Approval Date: September 25, 2001
  • Approval Authority: Council Resolution No. 6
  • Effective Date: December 2000
  • Revision Date/s: March 18, 2015; December 20, 2023 


Weather conditions or other situations can, at times, create difficult travel conditions or subsequent interference with the normal business operations/services of the County. The following outlines the County Policy with regard to County operations/services during inclement weather conditions or other situations.

Critical Services Definition

For the purpose of this Policy, “critical services” are deemed to include:

  • Roads, Fleet, Water and Wastewater (specific personnel as required)
  • Norview Lodge (specific personnel as required)
  • Fire and Paramedic Services (specific personnel as required)

In addition, other employees may be deemed as “critical services” as determined by a General Manager, in consultation with the CAO, in emergency situations.

Implementation procedure


Inclement weather, for the purpose of this Policy, shall be defined as weather conditions such as snowstorms, ice storms, wind storms (e.g. tornado), flooding or other unforeseen acts of nature which are so severe that vehicular or pedestrian travel is extremely hazardous or impossible and/or major road closures have occurred or are imminent within the County.

“Other” situations shall be defined as any occasion deemed to be of such a serious nature to cause interference with the normal business operations/services of the County such as power outage.

In this Policy, closure of County facilities and/or cancellation of County services due to inclement weather or other situations are deemed to mean that the business activities/services at those County facilities shall cease or be reduced and staff, except for those providing critical services*, shall be permitted to vacate their workstation.

County facilities and services at all locations shall be open and available during regular working hours unless inclement weather or other situations are so severe that, in the opinion of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), or designate, determine the facilities should be closed and services suspended or reduced. Direction to close will be given by the CAO, or designate. The decision to close the County facilities/services shall be based on weather and road conditions or other situations as they exist within the County.

The CAO will continue to make the determination respecting the closure of Norfolk County offices.

In severe or extended situations, the County’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) would be invoked to deal with these circumstances.

Localized event

In situations where events are localized to a smaller area of the County such as: isolated power outages, the relevant General Manager in consultation with the Chief Emergency Warden and CAO will refer to the Emergency Procedures for Norfolk County Facilities to determine if the facility should be closed or if staff can be reassigned to work in other facilities that may be open and unaffected by the event. The Mayor is to be kept apprised of the situation. In some cases, where the duration of a power outage cannot be determined, the announcement of closure or re-assignment, including working remotely in accordance with policy HR 30 Working from Anywhere, will occur in as timely a fashion as possible.

In a situation where staff from an individual department leave the office/workplace during the workday due to power outage, weather, etc., resulting in less than the full scope of services being delivered, the department must be considered closed and contact ServiceNorfolk, in accordance with EBS-56 Corporate Notice of Service Disruption Policy.

Staff whose office is located in Haldimand County should listen to the local radio station or check the Haldimand County website to determine if they are closed.

Impending Weather Condition E-mail Notification

Although not every type of incident can be predicted, below is an example e-mail to use when staff are inquiring about the situation:

A severe weather warning has been issued for (location/date). Please be advised that the CAO will be in consultation with the Operations Division and Hydro One early in the morning to assess the situation. Any closures or suspension of services, if deemed necessary, would be in accordance with the Closure or Reduced Service Level Policy (CAO-01).

If there are any suspensions or closures, they will be announced starting at 6:30 a.m. Staff are directed to check their email for additional communication from Norfolk County. Employees shall be advised to reference the local media and corporate social media channels for current information throughout the day.

Public announcements will be communicated by the Corporate Customer Service and Communications department using the Norfolk County Corporate Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as a media release which will be issued to all local media using the Norfolk County Media distribution group (DG).

For Significant Unplanned Event Refer To:

  • Norfolk County Emergency Response Plan (NCERP) By-law #2012-77
  • Emergency Procedures for Norfolk County Facilities

Contact Us


50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0

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