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Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy


Online policies are for information purposes only. This is not an official version of the policy or an exact reproduction.

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  • Approval Date: September 20, 2022 
  • Effective Date: September 20, 2022
  • Revision Date/s: May 2023

1. Purpose

To ensure consistency with regards to flags flown on County owned flag poles and establish a standard for which proclamation requests received by the County are processed and issued in recognition of individuals, events, organizations or community groups of significance for the County of Norfolk.

2. Background

Norfolk County recognizes that flags and proclamations are an important symbol of honour and pride and must be treated in a respectful and consistent manner.

The County supports half-masting as an expression of collective mourning and a sense of loss that is shared by all residents of Norfolk County.

Norfolk County encourages the community to celebrate together the County’s diversity and inclusivity by providing an opportunity for communities to raise National and/or community flags on a designated community flag pole at Governor Simcoe Square.

3. Policy:

3.1. Flag Etiquette

Norfolk County will display Canadian, Provincial and Norfolk County flags in a dignified and respectful manner. When a flag becomes worn, noticeably faded or otherwise unfit for service, it will be disposed of privately.

All Canadian Flags and other flags flown on County lands and buildings shall be flown and displayed in accordance with the Federal “General Rules for Flying and Displaying the Canadian Flag and other flags in Canada” which are attached hereto.

Consistent with the National Flag of Canada etiquette:

  1. Flags shall be flown on separate poles
  2. Flags shall be flown at the same height
  3. Flags flown in a group shall all be the same size
  4. Flags flying at half-mast will follow County guidelines and standard operating procedures

The National Flag will always be displayed in the position of honour, unless a Royal Standard is to be displayed.

In the event that only one flagpole exists on the property, the Canadian Flag will be displayed.

The Norfolk County flag takes precedence over all charitable and non profit organization and community flags unless other wise established by Canadian Heritage.

The Norfolk County Flag will be flown at all County buildings where there are existing and sufficient flagpoles to do so.

The Norfolk County Flag may be displayed indoors, in the Council Chambers, the Mayor’s Office, and at special events or ceremonies where flags have a specific purpose and are required.

The Norfolk County Flag shall not be used for commercial purposes by any external organization.

Norfolk County reserves the right to refuse, deny or restrict the use of the County Flag.

The County Flag should not be used as a table/seat cover, as a masking for boxes or as a barrier on a dais or platform.

It is not common practice to use the County Flag to cover a statue, monument or plaque for an unveiling ceremony and such use should be discouraged.

Nothing should be pinned or sewn on the County Flag.

The County Flag should not be signed or marked in any way.

3.2. Flags at Half-Mast

  1. Norfolk County will fly flags at half-mast at the Norfolk County Administration Building upon the death of the following or day of significance:
    • The Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related to the first degree to the Sovereign (spouse, son or daughter, father, mother, brother or sister);
    • The current or a former Governor General;
    • The current or a former Prime Minister;
    • The current member of the House of Commons for the local riding;
    • The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario;
    • The Ontario Premier;
    • The current member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly for the local riding;
    • The current or former Mayor(s) of Norfolk County or predecessor municipalities.
    • A current Norfolk County Council Member;
    • A current Norfolk County Employee;
    • A current Norfolk County Firefighter;
    • A current Norfolk County Detachment OPP Officer;
    • At the request of the family, a retired Norfolk County Council Member, Employee, Firefighter or OPP Officer
  2. Special Days: The flags shall also be lowered to commemorate the following in accordance with Federal Policy and shall be updated to comply with such policy as needed:
    • Remembrance Day (November 11)
    • Vimy Ridge Day, as declared by Government of Canada, to commemorate the deaths and casualties of the Canadian Corps during the First World War Battle of Vimy Ridge (April 9)
    • The Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace (April 28)
    • The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (December 6)
    • The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
  3. Half-masting at Norfolk County facilities in respect of a person or persons not specifically indentified in this section may occur at the discretion of the Mayor in consultation with the CAO and the Clerk’s office as a symbolic gesture of collective community mourning.
  4. Half-masting of flags will be communicated to Council and all County Staff through the electronic distribution list.
  5. Flags will remain in half-mast position for a period of three (3) business days from the day of death, unless otherwise directed by the CAO in specific situations. In recognition of the death of a current employee who worked at a satellite facility, the flag at that satellite facility will also be lowered where possible. For days of significance, flags will remain in the half-mast position from sunrise to sunset or from the closing of the last scheduled workday to the reopening of the office.

3.3. Flying of Other Flags

Flags flown at County-operated facilities will be restricted to the Canadian flag, the Provincial Flag and the Norfolk County flag, or a combination thereof. The Canadian Flag will be in the centre with the provincial flag to the left and the Norfolk County flag to the right (to an observer facing the display). Flags from other organizations will not be displayed at County facilities, with the exception of a separate community flagpole, as outlined below.

3.4. Community Flag Pole

“Community Flag Pole” shall mean a designated community flagpole located at Governor Simcoe Square, County Administration Building, adjacent to the three flagpoles flying the federal, provincial and municipal flags. This flag pole shall be used for the purpose of recognizing local community groups and initiatives.

The County will assess and approve community flag raising requests from charitable and non-profit organizations based on the following criteria:

  1. The County will fly flags on the Community Flag Pole:
    • Of nations recognized by the Government of Canada to celebrate a country’s national day or on the anniversary of a special occasion
    • Of organizations that have a presence in the Norfolk County community, except those outlined in Section c.
  2. Other flags to be flown in Governor Simcoe Square as approved by Council include:
    • The Netherlands Flag (flown the first week of May)
    • The Pride Flag (flown for the month of June)
    • The United Empire Loyalists Flag (flown on June 19th)
    • Truth and Reconciliation Day (September 30)
    • The United Nations Flag (flown in October)
    • The Remebrance Day Flag ~ Lest We Forget (flown during the week of November 11th)
  3. The County will not approve requests for flag raisings on the Community Flag Pole requested by:
    • Organizations or groups that are political or partisan in nature, including political parties or political organizations;
    • Organizations that promote hatred, violience, racism or discrimination of any kind;
    • Religious organizations or religious events/celebrations;
    • Organizations or causes that have already flown a flag on the Community Flagpole within the same calendar year;
    • Commercial entities, campaigns or events intended for profit-making purposes; and
    • Events or organizations that have no direct connection with Norfolk County.

3.5. Requests for Community Flag Raisings

Community groups shall submit a request in writing to the Office of the County Clerk at least four weeks prior to the requested date (but not more than one year in advance), providing a brief description of the nature of the flag raising. Requests will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis. The CAO may apply discretion to approve or deny a request for a flag raising based on reputational risk to the municipality. Flags will be flown for one week. If the request is for a period longer than one week and no other requests have been submitted, the flag may be flown for the additional time period, but no longer than four consecutive weeks.

Community groups must supply the flag and the flag should measure 3’ x 5’ or 3’ x 6’. Flags will need to be picked up from the County Clerk’s Office by the community group within two weeks after being flown.

When requests do not meet the criteria outlined in this Policy, the community group may register as a deputation to a Council-in-Committee meeting to address Council with their request.

The County reserves the right to cancel a flag raising in the case of an unforeseen circumstance

3.6. Supply of Flags

Neither Federal or Provincial flags will be supplied free of charge to employees, organizations or the public. As supply allows, Norfolk County flags will be available for the public, employees and organizations to purchase.

3.7. Flag Raisings Flag Raisings

  • Shall only be conducted at the designated Community Flag Pole located at Governor Simcoe Square.
  • Flag raisings will be conducted by County staff on the designated date.

Proclamation Criteria

Proclamations that demonstrate an interest in or relationship with Norfolk County, including a demonstrated respect for all residents of the County, but not limited to the following may be issued if approved through the proclamation process:

a) Civic promotions

b) Public awareness campaigns

c) Charitable fundraising campaigns

d) Arts and cultural celebrations

e) Special honours for individuals or organizations for special achievement Proclamations will not be issued for any of the following:

a) Matters of political, ideological, or religious conviction,

b) Events or organizations with no direct relationship to Norfolk County.

c) Campaigns or events contrary to County policies or by-laws.

d) Campaigns intended for profit-making purposes.

e) That is discriminatory in nature, including matters that may incite hate, discrimination, prejudice, misinformation, disorder, or violence.

f) Matters attempting to influence government policy.

1. A Request for a Proclamation:

All organizations or persons submitting a request for a proclamation must submit the required documentation to the Clerk a minimum of 4 weeks in advance of the requested date.

  • o A completed Application Form (attached as Appendix “A” to this policy)
  • o Must provide background information about the organization, event, or cause being claimed
    • o The request must include the name of the organization and contact information, description of the organization (i.e. mandate, brief history, and relevance to Norfolk County or other relevant information), purpose of the proclamation, and the date required.


a) An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation.

b) Norfolk County may issue several proclamations simultaneously.

c) All Proclamations are to be posted on the Norfolk County website prior to and during the special day, week or month.

d) Proclamations shall be issued in the standard format established by Norfolk County, and only issued to Norfolk County organizations rather than individuals.

e) Repeat requests are to be submitted on an annual basis.

Annual Proclamations

1. That the following events be recognized by Norfolk County on an annual basis with a proclamation on the Norfolk County website prior to their respective dates.

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.





National Flag Day 

February 15 


Black History Month 

Month of February 


National Volunteer Week 

April (varies year by year) 


Emergency Preparedness Week 

May (first full week) 


Rabies Awareness Month 

May (full month) 


Community Living Month 

May (full month) 


Seniors Month 

June (full month) 


United Empire Loyalists Day 

June 19 


Pride Month 

June (full month) 


Civic Holiday 

First Monday of August 


Governor John Graves Simcoe Day 

First Monday of August 


Truth and Reconciliation Day 

September 30 


Legion Week in Norfolk County 

Fourth week of September 




Agriculture Week 

First week of October 

(beginning on the Monday before Thanksgiving Day) 


Fire Prevention Week 

Second week of October 


Remembrance Day 

November 11 


National Day of Remembrance 

December 6 

Approval Authority of Proclamation Requests:

  • o The CAO shall have the discretionary approval over issuing a Proclamation in accordance with the criteria and conditions of this Policy.
  • o If a request for Proclamation is denied by the CAO in accordance with the requirements of this Policy, the requesting organization may forward their request directly to Council for consideration.

Public Record

All applications along with related information and communications on a request for proclamation that the CAO receives shall form part of the public record. Personal information and opinions in communications are part of the public record unless the author of the communication requests the removal of his or her personal information when submitting it.


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50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0

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