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Municipal government elections are held every four years in Ontario. The next municipal election will be in October 2026.

Information about becoming a candidate and voting will be posted once the next municipal election cycle begins. See below for results from past elections, campaign financial statements, and statements of compliance.

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2022 Municipal Election results

The official election results for Norfolk County’s 2022 municipal election on October 26, 2022.


Ballots cast 19,401/54,495 = 35.6%

Candidate Votes
David BATE 508
Kristal CHOPP 5127
Bill Culver 3926
Amy MARTIN 8199
Ian RABBITS 1638
Declined 3
Total Votes 19,401

Ward 1 Councillor

Ballots cast 2,031/6,488 = 31.3%

Candidate Votes
Randy MAWHINEY 721
Total Votes 2,031

Ward 2 Councillor

Ballots cast 1,664/6,403 = 25.9%

Candidate Votes
Lucas TULPIN 318
Total Votes 1,664

Ward 3 Councillor

Ballots cast 1,965/6,656 = 29.5%

Candidate Votes
Michael J. COLUMBUS 1616 
Jeanette GOMORI-COLE  349
Total Votes 1,965

Ward 4 Councillor

Ballots cast 2,048/5,897 = 34.7%

Candidate Votes
Chris VAN PAASSEN 1108
William MURRAY 504
Jeff SMRCKA 300
Total Votes 2,048

Ward 5 Councillor

Ballots cast 8,340/13,137 = 63.4%

Candidate Votes
Peter BLACK 1427
Doug BRUNTON 1906
Alan DUTHIE 2375
Brian Douglas JONES 703
Kristine MITCHELL 1402
Ryan J. TAYLOR  527
Total Votes 8,340

Ward 6 Councillor

Ballots cast 4,147/8,275 = 50.1%

Candidate Votes
Peter BUTLER 1015
Holly Ann SMITH 141
Pamela TAYLOR 216
Adam WILSON 121
Adam VERI 2654
Total Votes 4,147

Ward 7 Councillor

Ballots cast 2,367/7,626 = 31.0%

Candidate Votes
Kim HUFFMAN 1,073
Grant Douglas MACDONALD 447
Lana PLANK 105
Lorraine SKARRATT 742
Total Votes 2,367

Grand Erie District School Board Trustee – Wards 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

Ballots cast 16,814/31,974 = 52.6%

Candidate Votes
Eva DIXON 3201
Johanna COUSINEAU 1746
Eric GILBERT 2199
Elaine THOMAS 3525
Don Werden 2354
Elizabeth WHITON 3789
Total Votes 16,814

Grand Erie District School Board Trustee –Wards 3 and 7

(Norfolk County Reporting only – Final Results posted by Clerk of Brant County)

Ballots cast 4,534/14,282 = 31.7%

Candidate Votes
Luanne ASHE 1250
Maria Braun SHELSWELL 678
Rita COLLVER 1868
Total Votes 4,534

Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic District School Board Trustee

Ballots cast 4,554/7,524 = 60.5%

Candidate Votes
Dennis BLAKE 1278
Christine HARROP 711
Carol LUCIANI 1406
Thecla ROSS 183
Emily VAN HOOREN 976
Total Votes 4,554

Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir School Board Trustee

(Norfolk County Reporting only – Final Results posted by Clerk of the City of Kitchener)

Ballots cast 51/160 = 31.8%

Candidate Votes
Dorothée PETIT-PAS 36
Gilles ROY 9
Total Votes 51

According to the Municipal Elections Act, every candidate and registered third-party advertiser in the 2022 municipal election must file a financial statement reporting their contributions and expenses. Statements are completed and submitted by candidates and third-party advertisers.


 Ward 1

Ward 2

Ward 3

Ward 4

Ward 5

Ward 6

Ward 7

Trustee - English Public (Wards 3 and 7)

Candidates for this race filed financial statements with the County of Brant returning officer.

  • Rita Collver    
  • Thomas Waldschmidt    
  • Luanne Ashe    
  • Maria Braun Shelswell

Trustee - English Public (Wards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)

Trustee - English Separate

Trustee - French Public

Candidates for this race filed financial statements with the City of Sarnia returning officer.

  • David Andre Paradis

Trustee - French Separate

Candidates for this race filed financial statements with the City of Kitchener returning officer.

  • Eric Sanderson    
  • Dorothée Petit-Pas    
  • Gilles Roy

Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, requires that every municipality appoint a compliance audit committee before October 1 of an election year.

The City of Brantford, County of Brant, Haldimand County and Norfolk County have appointed a joint Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) for the 2022 Municipal Election. The term of office for this committee is four years, beginning on November 15, 2022.


The name of the Committee is the “Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee” (MECAC). Members appointed to the Committee will serve the municipalities of the City of Brantford, the County of Brant, Haldimand County and Norfolk County. Members will also serve as the members of the Grand Erie District School Board and the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board Election Compliance Audit Committees in a similar capacity.


The powers and functions of MECAC are set out in subsections 88.33 through 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended (Act). MECAC is a quasi-judicial body and does not report to Council. MECAC will be required to: 
(a)  review and consider a compliance audit application submitted by an elector and decide whether it should be granted or rejected;

(b)  if the application is granted, appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit;

(c)  receive the auditor’s report;

(d)  consider the auditor’s report, and if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, relating to election campaign finances, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the candidate for the apparent contravention

(e) review and consider any reports prepared by the Clerk pursuant to subsection 88.34 or 88.36 of the Act

(f) in the case where the Clerk’s report identifies that a contributor has contravened the Act as described in subsection 88.34 or 88.36, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the contributor for the apparent contravention

Term of the Committee

The term of MECAC shall be equivalent to the term of Council. 


MECAC will meet as needed, with meetings scheduled by the Clerk of the host municipality or his/her designate when a municipal election compliance audit application is received, or Clerk’s report is submitted.


MECAC will consist of 5 (five) members. Where possible, a minimum of one member shall be a qualified elector within each of the municipalities. 
In accordance with the Act, Subsection 88.37(2), membership shall not include:  

a. employees or officers of the municipality or local board;

b. members of the council or local board;

c. any persons who are Candidates in the election for which the committee is established; or

d. any persons who are registered third parties in the municipality in the election for which the committee is established.

In addition to the legislated restrictions established for the composition of this committee, in order to avoid a conflict of interest, an individual shall be deemed ineligible to be a member of the committee if the individual:

a) gives financial advice or prepares the financial statements of a candidate in an election for which the committee is established; 

b) is a family member or  employee of a candidate in an election for which the committee is established, or any person connected to a candidate through an employment, contractual, business or partnership relationship; or

c) is a volunteer or seeks employment to assist any candidate in the election for which the committee is established.

Selection of members 

The Clerks (or designates) from the municipalities of the City of Brantford, County of Brant, Haldimand County and Norfolk County will meet to review the applications.  Appointments selection will be approved by the majority vote of the Clerks.  The approved names will be put forward to each Council for appointment to the committee.   
Recommended skill sets for members of the MECAC include:

  • Accounting and/or auditing experience
  • Academic experience with expertise in political science or local government administration
  • Legal experience and/or education
  • Others with knowledge of the campaign finance rules contained in the Act 

Criteria used to determine membership may include:

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the municipal election finance rules; 
  • Analytical and decision-making skills; 
  • Availability for meetings; 
  • Previous committee experience. 


Members of the MECAC shall be paid a per diem rate of $150 plus the applicable mileage rate as set by the host municipality.  The mileage rate shall be applied from the member’s home to the host municipality designated meeting location and return trip.

Expenses related to each meeting will be paid by the host municipality. Expenses for the inaugural meeting will be shared equally by all participating municipalities.

Read the Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).

The powers and functions of MECAC are set out in subsections 88.33 through 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended (Act). MECAC is a quasi-judicial body and does not report to Council. MECAC will be required to:

(a) review and consider a compliance audit application submitted by an elector and decide whether it should be granted or rejected;

(b) if the application is granted, appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit;

(c) receive the auditor’s report;

(d) consider the auditor’s report and if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, relating to election campaign finances, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the candidate for the apparent contravention

(e) review and consider any reports prepared by the Clerk pursuant to subsection 88.34 or 88.36 of the Act

(f) in the case where the Clerk’s report identifies that a contributor has contravened the Act as described in subsection 88.34 or 88.36, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the contributor for the apparent contravention

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Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

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