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Strategic Plan

Norfolk County’s Strategic Plan defines the priorities that will build on existing strengths and set a solid foundation for the 2022-2026 term of Council, and for future generations.

On behalf of my fellow members of Council, I want to thank all those who played a part in developing our strategic plan.

Message from Mayor Amy Martin and Council

Our Future Norfolk outlines our vision, mission and values, and establishes our five strategic priorities for the 2022-2026 term of Council.

Message from Norfolk’s CAO

On behalf of my fellow members of Council, I want to thank all those who played a part in developing our strategic plan.

We thank leaders from local businesses and community agencies, staff from across the County, and residents who provided input based on their expertise, knowledge, and experience. Your ongoing commitment to Norfolk’s future is a big part of what makes our community such a great place to live, work and play.

Based on what we heard, we created Our Future Norfolk, a strategic plan that defines our priorities, builds on our strengths, and sets a strong foundation for future generations.

Our priorities, along with the initiatives and activities that drive them, will guide Council and staff as we work together to serve all members of our community over the next four years, and beyond.

We also commit to continuing the valuable conversations that led to this plan and will report back regularly on our progress.
Council is excited to continue our work to ensure Norfolk County a place where all members of our community prosper and grow, together.

Here’s to our future!

Mayor Amy Martin

Our Future Norfolk outlines our vision, mission and values, and establishes our five strategic priorities for the 2022-2026 term of Council.

I want to recognize the great work our staff, Mayor, and Council do every day. I am proud to work with such a talented team and am excited about the achievements we can look forward to in the years to come.

We have ambitious plans for this term. We are investing in initiatives that will benefit our residents and strengthen our agricultural sector, businesses, and local organizations.

We are focusing on improving key infrastructure that will positively impact our current residents, and enable thoughtful, planned growth to keep our community strong and prospering for generations to come.

We will achieve our vision of providing a vibrant community growing opportunity for everyone.

We will implement our mission of providing valued public services that are responsive to our community’s needs.

We will embrace our values of creativity, collaboration, inclusivity, confidence, integrity, and respect.

We will strive to enhance the day-to-day experience of our residents.

Our Future Norfolk’s priorities will act as a road map for employees, providing the strategic direction to enable our organization to not only meet, but exceed expectations, as we deliver programs and services to our residents.

Al Meneses

Strategic Priorities

The strategic plan, created with input from local businesses, community agencies, staff, and residents, will act as a road map, providing strategic direction to guide the delivery of programs and services.

The plan comprises five priority areas, each with three objectives that further define Council’s strategic direction during this term. Moving forward, new initiatives will align with these priorities, and the new Strategic Plan will be integrated into the budget process, departmental business plans, and staff goals.


Empowering Norfolk

Putting the tools and resources in place to ensure our businesses’ and residents’ success.

  • Foster and build partnerships with the community
    Partnering with the community, institutions and industry to address the needs of Norfolk.
  • Create a place where businesses and residents can thrive
    Developing strategies that support our changing needs and encourages innovation in Norfolk.
  • Advocate for the needs of Norfolk
    Working with all levels of government to ensure Norfolk is successful

Building Norfolk

Develop the infrastructure and supports needed to ensure complete communities.

  • Ensure the health, safety and well-being of the community
    Facilitating the necessary supports to ensure affordable, accessible and equitable service options.
  • Provide a solid infrastructure foundation
    Ensuring that Norfolk has all of the hard infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, parks) for current and future needs.
  • Ensure responsible growth policies and strategies
    Developing policies and processes that foster responsible growth in Norfolk.

Connecting Norfolk

Bringing the community together with cultural, physical and technological linkages.

  • Celebrate and connect all of our communities
    Bringing our communities together through celebrations of our unique cultures, geographies and identities.
  • Maximize our mobility options
    Creating and expanding our physical mobility linkages (roads, trails, transit) to bring Norfolk together.
  • Ensure Norfolk is virtually connected to the world
    Advocating to government and industry for stronger and more effective broadband and cellular coverage across Norfolk.

Serving Norfolk

Ensuring a fiscally responsible organization with engaged employees who value excellent service.

  • Strengthen communication and service delivery
    Improving how Norfolk communicates and delivers services to the community, both digitally and in-person.
  • Foster a positive employee culture
    Attracting, developing and retaining employees who will work collaboratively to deliver excellent customer service.
  • Create an environment of continuous improvement
    Encouraging and recognizing innovation and action that exceeds the expectations of the community.

Sustaining Norfolk

Creating a sustainable community and a positive legacy.

  • Protect and strengthen our agricultural and natural heritage
    Supporting and empowering our farming community while respecting our environment
  • Continue to implement and enhance our climate action strategies
    Making our infrastructure more resilient to the effects of climate change and identify opportunities to reduce Norfolk’s carbon footprint.
  • Ensure financial sustainability
    Continue our long-term financial and resource strategy that is realistic, affordable and sustainable.

How you can stay informed

Feedback and participation from residents, businesses, and industry help drive decision-making processes. Norfolk County consults with the community using various tools, including public engagement, advisory committees, and direct communications.

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Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

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