Municipal Drain maintenance is an obligation of the municipality under the Drainage Act.
Once a drain has been constructed, the municipality becomes responsible for future maintenance in accordance with the current reports, plans and by-laws.
Scheduled Maintenance Program
Norfolk County has adopted a scheduled maintenance program to maintain open ditch municipal drains effectively and efficiently. Drainage staff endeavour to notify all residents of the scheduled work in the spring of each year.
The schedule currently operates for a 5-6 year return period. All drainage work is subject to environmental permits and approvals, which may restrict when and what work can be completed on any system.
Property owners must maintain access to and along municipal drains for maintenance activities. Staff endeavour to work around land-use practices; however, owners will not be compensated for crop loss and/or damages if access is necessary to complete drain maintenance activities.
In between scheduled maintenance activities, owners are encouraged to inspect drains on or affecting their properties periodically and report any issues to Drainage Services staff.
Tile Drains (Closed Pipe) Maintenance
Tile Drains (Closed Pipe) are maintained on an as-needed basis. Maintenance is initiated by Service Requests by owners or when identified through field inspections.
Owners are encouraged to periodically inspect tile drains crossing their property and keep catch basin and pipe inlets clear of all brush, vegetation, sediment, and debris that may cause blockages in the pipe.
Alternative Maintenance Programs
Some systems have implemented alternative maintenance techniques, including permanent sediment traps, buffers, and natural stream restoration techniques.
In the right conditions and locations, with owner buy-in, these practices can provide environmental benefits while maintaining drain flows and, in some instances, have reduced maintenance requirements, proving an overall benefit to the owners affected by the drain.