Sold out

The pilot FoodCycler Units are now sold out. Thank you for your interest in the project!


FoodCycler Pilot

Join Norfolk County in diverting food waste from landfills by trialling a FoodCycler.

Norfolk County is looking for:

  • Norfolk County residents willing to purchase a FoodCycler for either $150 or $300.
  • Participants to track their usage of the FoodCycler over a 12-week period.
  • Participants to participate in an online survey at the conclusion of the pilot period about their experience with the FoodCycler.

What is FoodCycler

The FoodCycler is a countertop unit that turns food waste into a soil amendment by grinding up food waste. The soil amendment can then be mixed into the soil in houseplants, flower beds or gardens. The FoodCycler reduces the volume of organic waste by up to 90%.

How Does it Work

  1. Place your food waste into the FoodCycler. The FoodCycler can take almost any type of food waste, including fruit and vegetable scraps, meat, fish, dairy, bones, shells, pits, coffee grinds and filters.
  2. Place the FoodCycler bucket into your FoodCycler machine. It can be used anywhere with a plug that is above freezing. The Vortech grinding system uses technology to pulverize meat, bones, pits, shells and other food scraps into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.
  3. Press Start, and in 8 hours or less, your food waste will be transformed into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Once the cycler is complete, remove the FoodCycler bucket and start using your nutrient-rich soil amendment at home.

FoodCycler Models and Costs

There are two FoodCycler models available to choose from, depending on your needs.

FoodCycler Subsidy

The cost for the FoodCycler units has been reduced by a subsidy model by several participants. Norfolk County is contributing a $100 subsidy per model. In addition, FoodCycle Science is providing a discount as well as grant funding from AAFC/Impact Canada. These subsidies allow this technology to be more affordable to residents.

FoodCycler FC-30 (AKA Vitamix FC-50)
FoodCycler image

FoodCycler Eco 5
FoodCycler Eco-5 image

Compare units

Comparison of foodcycler units

Compare units
Compare units
Foodcycler FC-30
Foodcycler Eco 5
Volume capacity
2.5 L
Unit volume
30.5 L
Processing time
4-8 hours
6-8 hours
Power consumption per cycle
0.8 kWh
1.3 kWh
Odour control
2 refillable filters
1 refillable filter
Vent location

Below is a breakdown of the subsidy for each unit.

Costs to the Resident

FoodCycler Subsidy Model Breakdown

Breakdown of cost of foodcycler. If you need this in an accessible format, please email, or call 519-426-5870 extension 0

How Do I Get My FoodCycler

Participants can pick up their FoodCycler at the Water and Wastewater Operations Yard, 396 Cedar Street, Simcoe on the following dates:

  • Saturday, March 16 from 1-3 p.m.
  • Monday, March 18 from 5-7 p.m.
  • Proof of purchase must be provided to pick up your FoodCycler.

More Information

For additional information about FoodCycler, please visit Food Recycler Composting Alternative | FoodCycler

Contact Information

For additional information, please reach out to Merissa Bokla Supervisor, Waste Management