Leaf and Yard Waste
This program runs continually from April until November, by urban zones as listed, below. Monthly calendars are included below to reference the weeks each zones receives pick up. Click the arrow to expand.
Zone 1: Long Point & Simcoe
Zone 2:Port Dover, Langton, Port Rowan
Zone 3: Turkey Point, Vittoria, St.Williams, Courtland, Delhi, Waterford
Refer to your 2025 Waste Calendar or view the calendars shown below to learn which weeks are associated with your zone.
April- May June-July August-September October-November
All leaves and yard waste must be placed curbside with regular collection in BROWN PAPER LEAF BAGS with the tops rolled shut. Trimmings may be tied or bundled in less than 3′ [ 91 cm ] lengths.
Please note:
- No bag limit for paper bags (weight limit is 18kg or 40lbs per bag).
- No garbage, burnt leaves, flower pots, or animal waste allowed.
- Leaves and yard waste in plastic bags will not be collected.
- No plastic twine or metal ties on bundles.
Leaves and yard waste can be delivered to the Transfer Stations in paper bags or bulk for composting free of charge. Loads of brush and branches will be charged the regular tipping fee.
Options to dispose of your leaves:
- Mulch leaves to use in gardens, flowerbeds, or leave them on your yard.
- Compost leaves in your backyard composter.
- Deliver leaves to the Transfer Station in paper bags or in bulk for composting – leaves in plastic bags must be debagged.