
Residents pay for accommodation costs only. Rates are set by the Ministry of Long-Term Care. Residents pay for the applicable basic accommodation rate and some Residents may be eligible for a rate reduction based on a standard income test. Residents who prefer a private room, are charged a “preferred accommodation charge” above the basic rate.

The provincial government covers the cost of all nursing and personal care services.

The current rates effective July 1, 2024 are:

Basic – $2,036.40 per month or $66.95 per day for part months

Private – $2,909.36 per month or $95.65 per day for part months

Basic Accommodation

This is a bedroom that is shared by two Residents, each with their own area featuring a home supplied bed, mattress, bedside table, closet and comfort chair. There is space for a 32″ television (to be supplied by Resident/family) and other personal care items depending on care needs. A “floor to ceiling” entertainment unit provides privacy for each Resident plus a privacy curtain. The room has a bathroom that is shared by these two Residents, with a toilet, sink and cupboard space for personal care items. Three pictures are permitted to be hung on the wall by Norview staff in predetermined locations. Each Resident has a window view to the outdoors.

This type of accommodation is conducive to couple’s use as both beds can be located on the same side of the room (if preferred), with a sitting area on the opposite side of the room.

Private Accommodation

This is a bedroom with an ensuite bathroom for one Resident. All the same amenities are provided as for the basic accommodation. There is an additional charge for these rooms and rate reductions are not available.

Memory Boxes

Memory boxes are located outside each Resident’s room. These are available for the Resident/family to display personal items relevant to the Resident and as a means of room identification.