50 Plus Groups
There are a variety of community-ran programs available throughout the County.
Langton Merry Makers
- Activities: Cards and bingo
- When: Wednesday afternoons
- Location: Langton Community Centre
- Fee: $3
- Contact: Freda Loncke 519-875-2102
Lynn River PROBUS Club
A social club for retired and semi-retired men and women offering the following interest groups: book club, monthly lunch, pub night, investment club, games, travel, and men’s coffee.
- When: Third Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m.
- Location: Army, Navy & Air Force Unit #255 Simcoe. Please use the Culver Street entrance.
- Contact: lynnriverprobus239@gmail.com
Port Dover Seniors Centre
A community organization which enhances the lives of seniors in the Port Dover area.
- When: A variety of programs offered throughout the week
- Location: ROOM C at the Port Dover Lions Community Centre
- Contact: info@portdoverseniors.ca
- Website: portdoverseniors.ca
PROBUS Club of Norfolk #181
A social club for retirees with interest groups for euchre, bridge, walking, travel, cooking, gardening, and more.
- When: Second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.
- Location: Port Dover Community Centre
- Contact: Miriam Mackenzie 519-583-3972
PROBUS Club of Simcoe & District
A social club for retired men from all walks of life.
- When: The second Tuesday of the month. 10 a.m.
- Location: St. James United Church Hall, Simcoe
- Contact: Murray Uren, 226-440-2699, mfuren@icloud.com
South Coast PROBUS
A social club for retirees and semi-retirees who appreciate and value opportunities for social contacts, discussion of topical subjects, visits to places of interest, and involvement in activities of interest to the members.
- When: The fourth Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.
- Location: Port Dover Lions Community Centre
- Contact: southcoastprobusclub227@gmail.com
Stonebridge Community Services
Stonebridge Community Services offers a variety of in-person and online exercise programs for adults 55 and older. Group exercise, fall prevention, and walking classes are available throughout Norfolk County.
- For times and locations, visit stonebridgecs.com
- Contact: 519-842-3200 ext. 209
- All classes are FREE, but pre-registration is required
Waterford Senior Activity Group
- When: Wednesday afternoons
- Location: Waterford Old Town Hall
- Contact: Melanie Culbert 226-240-5814
- Euchre Fee: $3 per year
Young at Heart
- When: Second Wednesday of every month, at 11:45 a.m.
- Location: Living Hope Bible Church, Port Rowan
- Contact: Helene Tamminga, 519-717-2040, lhbcseniorsministry@outlook.com