Follow this link to access Norfolk County’s mapping tool.

To use the mapping tool to view source protection areas, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the link above.
  2. Accept the terms and conditions of the mapping tool.
  3. Select the layers tool.
    A screenshot showing where to click to select the layers tool in the top right corner.
  4. Click the box beside the Environmental Layer.
    A screenshot of the mapping tool showing where to click to select the Environmental layer.
  5. Click the small triangle beside the word Environmental and select both the “Source Water Protection IPZ” and “Source Water Protection WHPA” layers by checking the boxes beside them.
    A screenshot showing where to click to select the specific source protection layers.
  6. Your screen should now look like the photo below. Type in the address of interest to find out what source water protection policies apply.
    A screenshot showing the policy mapping tool with the correct layers applied.