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Dog Strangling Vine found in Norfolk County - June 11, 2024

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Please be on the lookout for a highly invasive plant known as Dog Strangling Vine (Vincetoxicum rossicum & Vincetoxicum nigrum). 

Dog Strangling Vine is problematic because it grows very aggressively, produces a lot of seed that spreads easily in the wind, and can grow from root fragments, making it very difficult to control. It is listed as a Noxious Weed in Ontario and regulated under Norfolk County’s Lot Maintenance By-law.

Dog Strangling Vine easily escapes into natural areas where it quickly displaces native vegetation and can take over an entire forest or meadow.

Dog-strangling vine has now been found in two separate areas of Waterford, two separate locations in the Turkey Point area, and one location in Simcoe.

Please be on the lookout for this unwanted plant, especially in:

  • Waterford — in the area north of the Black Bridge on the Waterford Heritage Trail and the neighbourhood surrounding the Waterford Public School.
  • Simcoe, in the neighbourhood surrounding Simcoe Composite School.

The plant is currently flowering, which helps identify it. Later in the summer, it will develop seed pods similar to milkweed that open and release fluffy seeds.

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