Fall water main flushing dates updated into November
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Norfolk staff are extending dates for routine maintenance to water mains in Delhi, Simcoe, and Port Dover. Work in the communities of Port Rowan and Waterford is now complete.
The updated fall schedule is as follows:
- Delhi: extended to October 15
- Port Dover: October 7 to October 25
- Port Rowan: complete
- Simcoe: October 21 to November 29
- Waterford: complete
During a flush, hydrants are opened and allowed to flow in a controlled manner in one direction. This increased flow scours pipe walls, cleaning the sediment from inside the water mains.
Discoloured water is a normal side effect of cleaning water mains. If you notice discoloured water, simply run your faucet until it clears.
Learn more about Water and Wastewater on the Norfolk County website.
Contact Us
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0