Norfolk celebrates World Town Planning Day
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Norfolk celebrates World Town Planning Day
Each year, on November 8, World Town Planning Day recognizes and promotes the role of planning in creating livable and vibrant communities. Over 30 countries worldwide recognize this annual event.
Professional Planners make important contributions to municipalities, assisting with the creation and design of complete communities and new public spaces, and implementing policies that protect the use of natural heritage, environmental, and prime farmland areas.
Based on current data, Norfolk’s population is projected to grow to over 90,000 by 2050. Norfolk’s Planning team plays a vital role in determining how the County will function, look, feel, and move in the future. From deciding where growth should occur to looking for ways to make housing more affordable, Norfolk’s Planners are working to build a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient community where businesses and residents can thrive.
Below are a few ways that Norfolk residents can get involved in World Town Planning Day and stay up to date on Norfolk’s Planning decisions and activities.
Visit Norfolk’s updated Planning website
The Planning website at is a great place to learn about ongoing applications, access interactive public mapping tools, explore policies, and more.
The website’s updated navigation allows visitors to better access content and resources, including planning guidelines, documents, and reports that give stakeholders the information they need. Visitors will also find news and updates, including upcoming events, recent planning decisions, and other announcements related to the Norfolk County Planning Department.
Watch Norfolk’s new Planning 101 Video Series
The Planning 101 Video Series, featuring Norfolk Planning staff and Mayor Amy Martin, provides an overview of who does what and breaks down many complex topics, including planning applications, zoning, severance, subdivisions and more, in an easy-to-understand video format. Visit to watch the seven-part video series.
Share feedback
Members of the public are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions on projects that are transforming Norfolk. A variety of community engagement activities such as surveys, in-person and virtual meetings, and other special events allow many opportunities to get involved. Opportunities to share feedback are posted to, Norfolk’s online engagement platform.
Participate in Public Hearings
The Norfolk County Public Hearing Committee is another way members of the public can express their views on planning-related matters. Join in person or watch a livestream or recorded session. For meeting dates, visit
“Today is a day to recognize and celebrate the vital role of planners in shaping Norfolk County,” said Mayor Amy Martin. “Their expertise is essential in creating a sustainable and vibrant community; however, we all play a role. Public input is crucial in the planning process. On behalf of Council, I invite all members of our community to engage with us, share their ideas, and actively participate in planning a better future. Together, we can build great communities where sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience are at the forefront.”
To learn more about Planning in Norfolk County, visit, email, or call 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 1842.
Contact Us
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0