Norfolk County: What's opened and closed Canada Day Monday
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Norfolk County: What's opened and closed Canada Day Monday
Norfolk County residents are reminded that most County services – and all County buildings – will not be available on Canada Day, Monday, July 1.
The following is a list of impacted services and closures:
County Administration Buildings
All buildings will be closed.
Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
All branches will be closed. For public health emergencies or hazards, such as outbreaks, food poisoning, meningitis, or rabies, please call our after-hours emergency phone number at 1-877-298-5888.
Social Services and Housing
Both Simcoe and Dunnville office locations will be closed. For crisis support, such as emergency accommodation, call the Victim Services Support Line at 1-800-264-6671.
Heritage and Culture
All museums and Norfolk County Archives will be closed.
Norfolk County Public Library
All branches are closed.
Simcoe Recreation Centre, including the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre and Simcoe Seniors Centre, Delhi Friendship Centre, and all County Arenas will be closed.
Ride Norfolk
Ride Norfolk will not be in operation.
ServiceNorfolk will be closed. Residents may email Staff will reply to emails in a priority sequence when offices reopen. Residents may also visit the Norfolk County Customer Service Portal online to submit non-urgent service requests, at any time.
Residents seeking emergency assistance regarding forestry, parks and facilities, public health, roads, water, sewer, and drainage, can call 1-877-298-5888. For after-hours By-law Enforcement, the public may use the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) non-emergency line number at 1-888-310-1122.
Transfer Stations
Transfer stations will be closed.
Waste collection
Waste collection will be delayed one day throughout the week of July 1, except in Simcoe. Residents are encouraged to use the Recycle Coach app for instant access to their area’s collection schedule, personalized reminders, and more. The app is available on the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store and is free of charge.
Emergency and critical services
All essential and critical services, including Fire and Paramedic Services, will continue to operate as usual.
Fireworks reminder
Residents are reminded of the Norfolk County Fireworks Regulating By-Law. It includes the following rules:
- Fireworks are permitted two days prior, and up to one day after Canada Day
- Fireworks may only be discharged up to 11 p.m.
- Fireworks are not permitted to be discharged on municipal property or roadways.
- The user of the fireworks must own the property they are discharging on or have permission from the property owner.
Additional safety tips and firework information can be found at
On behalf of Norfolk County Council and staff, please enjoy a safe Canada Day weekend.
Contact Us
50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0