Norfolk seeking Election Compliance Audit members
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Norfolk seeking Election Compliance Audit members
Norfolk County is currently seeking interested applicants for appointment to a Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee for the 2022 Municipal Election. The term of office for this committee is four years beginning Nov. 15, 2022.
The powers and functions of MECAC are set out in subsections 88.33 through 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended (Act). MECAC is a quasi-judicial body and does not report to Council. MECAC will be required to:
(a) review and consider a compliance audit application submitted by an elector and decide whether it should be granted or rejected;
(b) if the application is granted, appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit;
(c) receive the auditor’s report;
(d) consider the auditor’s report and if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, relating to election campaign finances, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the candidate for the apparent contravention
(e) review and consider any reports prepared by the Clerk pursuant to subsection 88.34 or 88.36 of the Act
(f) in the case where the Clerk’s report identifies that a contributor has contravened the Act as described in subsection 88.34 or 88.36, the committee may commence legal proceedings against the contributor for the apparent contravention
Recommended skill sets for members of the MECAC include:
- Accounting and/or auditing experience
- Academic experience with expertise in political science or local government administration
- Legal experience and/or education
- Others with knowledge of the campaign finance rules contained in the Act
Criteria used to determine membership may include:
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the municipal election finance rules;
- Analytical and decision-making skills;
- Availability for meetings;
- Previous committee experience.
Individuals submitting applications to be appointed to this municipal committee may also be appointed to serve in a similar capacity for both the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic District School Board and the Grand Erie District School Board. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and preference will be given to those who reside or own property in Norfolk County. Positions on the Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee are provided remuneration and mileage payments.
All interested and qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
Applications are available at 185 Robinson St in Simcoe or online at To submit your application please contact
For more information, contact Teresa Olsen, Norfolk County Clerk – 50 Colborne Street South Simcoe, ON N3Y 4H3 by telephone, 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK or via email at
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50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0