Norfolk County Council has completed its 2024 budget process.
The process concluded with Budget Committee review of the Proposed 2024 Levy Supported Operating Budget on January 10 and 11. Council finalized the Capital and Rate Budgets in October and November 2023, respectively.
The Levy budget is not final until ratified by Council on January 24, 2024.
Levy Supported Operating Budget
The Budget Committee made some notable changes to the proposed levy budget; the addition of resources for library staffing, approval of a position for Economic Development, funding for prioritized economic development initiatives aligned with the Economic Development Strategy, a slight increase to staff support for Mayor and Council, approval of an organics pilot project funded from the Council Initiative Reserve, and removal of the planned increase for the County Grant Program.
The revised net tax levy is $128,544,000, a 7.7 percent increase over 2023. This translates to an annual increase of $216.19, or 6.3 percent on the property taxes of the median home with an assessed value of $240,000.
This budget approves some noteworthy service level enhancements; the addition of a student position to assist the building department, master planning program, a storm water management program to address legislated requirements, a senior court administrator to address needs as a result of changes to the Provincial Offences Act administration function and staffing within Social Services to continue community outreach drop-in clinics.
“This budget supports the continued progress toward improving Norfolk’s financial outlook by addressing reserve funding, while also ensuring that service levels are maintained, with some enhancements,” said Norfolk Mayor Amy Martin. “Balancing strategic priorities and the cost of delivering services with resident affordability in mind is not an easy task.”
Norfolk County’s Chief Administrative Officer, Al Meneses, was pleased that the 2024 budget will enable Norfolk to continue to deliver valuable services to the community, invest in infrastructure, and build on strengthening our financial position for the future.
“Staff worked diligently to develop a budget that had reduced costs where possible while at the same time moving Norfolk forward,” Meneses added. “Respect for taxpayers was a central theme in deliberations. Taxpayers should feel confident that the recommendations provided by the budget committee were made in their best interest and with the goal of improving the community.”