
Two years of work culminated today as the final updates to the Norfolk County Economic Recovery Plan were presented to Council.

In 2020, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council committed $250,000 of strategic funding towards the Economic Recovery Plan. These funds were leveraged  with other economic recovery grants and funding, allowing for a total investment of $915,000  toward targeted local initiatives. The County supported two other related grant programs for an additional $170,000 into the local economy.

The plan’s Task Force, comprised of representatives from a wide range of sectors and County staff, was appointed to advise Council and staff on recovery efforts and develop a plan to identify and prioritize economic initiatives to help the community become more resilient.

“We couldn’t be more impressed with the Task Force and the work that has been done,” said Mayor Amy Martin. “While we wished we could do more, through a number of innovations we were able to deploy actions that directly helped numerous local organizations, inject funds into the local economy and help build resilience,” added Brandon Sloan, General Manager of Community Development.

At the close of the plan, almost $69,000 of surplus will remain in the Council Initiative Reserve to be available for future initiatives.

Economic Recovery Plan highlights:

  • 25 to 40% – length of time reduced for residents applying for building permits, zoning and zoning amendment reviews
  • 66% – length of time reduced for site plan approvals
  • $100,000 – value of the digital technology grant funds invested in the community
  • 700 – number of businesses that directly helped or participated in recovery efforts
  • 1,148 – orders received on Shop Norfolk and downloads of the Visit Norfolk App
  • 840 – number of people, businesses and groups who receive the monthly Economic Development Newsletter
  • 35% – number of immigrants who participated in area bus tours hired by local businesses
  • $90,000 – value of grants provided to local groups for downtown, arts and culture and agriculture stimulus

The final update report was presented at the Council-In-Committee meeting on March 21. Further information is on the County’s website and t he proceedings can be viewed online at the Norfolk County YouTube page.