
The results of Norfolk County’s 2021 budget engagement campaign will be presented to Council on Oct. 13.

Staff launched the campaign on Aug. 24 with a dedicated web page, budget survey, and promotional marketing and communications.

Approximately 25 members of the public took part in a virtual engagement session on Sept. 21. This meeting included a short presentation by Finance staff and a Q and A session with participants.

More than 1,200 people of all ages and from all across Norfolk took the online survey.

Among the survey results:

  • A majority of people support keeping tax increases at or below the rate of inflation
  • Three quarters of respondents favoured user fees of at least 50% of a service cost
  • Services ranked most important to residents include parks and trails, libraries and arenas
  • Services ranked least important to residents include public transit, museums and recreational programming (excluding aquatics)
  • There is strong support for reducing the number of County buildings through the consolidation of operations
  • Nearly 60% of people feel the Tourism and Economic Development department should focus equally on tourism and economic development
  • Increased online booking and payment options was the most popular of three potential ways to improve the County’s customer service

The survey results will help to inform Council’s decision-making during upcoming budget deliberations.

Budget meetings are currently scheduled for:

Oct. 27: Capital budget

Nov. 24: Rate-supported operating budget (water and wastewater)

Jan. 6-7: Levy-supported operating budget

All meetings will be streamed live at