
Norfolk County staff are always looking for ways to meet the needs of the community. With that in mind, staff are currently reviewing the Business Licensing By-Law, specifically as it relates to health and safety. 

The goal of the review is to modernize a document, one that better protects consumers, and both streamlines and simplifies the application process. Another aim is to ensure businesses that require a licence are meeting regulatory requirements. 

Staff have created a Business Licensing Survey to gauge public interest in updating the document and to find out exactly what should be included or changed. The survey is open to both business owners and consumers, and only takes a few minutes to complete. The survey closes August 24.  

“Engaging with business owners and other members of the public is the best way to understand community needs,” said Mayor Amy Martin. “It helps staff and Council to make informed decisions on important issues.”  

Norfolk’s current by-law currently issues licences to the following types of businesses: 

  • Amusements
  • Auctions/Flea Markets 
  • Food Premises 
  • Friday the 13th  
  • Hotels/Motels/Bed and Breakfasts 
  • Mobile Food Premises 
  • Pawnbrokers/Seller of Goods 
  • Pedlars 
  • Personal Aesthetic Services 
  • Personal Watercraft Rentals 
  • Salvage Yards Taxicabs/Limousines

For more information on By-Law’s in Norfolk County, visit the By-Law Department webpage.