Norfolk is inviting residents to participate in an online testing and evaluation exercise that will help shape the navigation and organization of the County’s website,, which is currently being redesigned.
Norfolk’s urban leaf and yard waste collection begins April 8 in zone one (Simcoe and Long Point) and April 15 for zones two (Port Dover, Langton, and Port Rowan) and three (Turkey Point, Vittoria, St. Williams, Courtland, Delhi, and Waterford).
On Monday, April 8, Haldimand and Norfolk counties will be two of the few places in Canada within the path of totality for the solar eclipse. The path of totality is a narrow strip where the moon will completely cover the sun – blocking out its light.
On Tuesday, April 2, Norfolk County will reopen the County Administration Building at 50 Colborne Street South in Simcoe, with ServiceNorfolk, the County’s customer service team, providing in-person customer service on the first floor.
Norfolk County residents are reminded that most County services – and all County buildings – will not be available Good Friday, March 29, and Easter Monday, April 1.
Norfolk County has finalized the transfer of a parcel of land that will provide additional funding for the Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation’s Regeneration Strategy.
Norfolk County’s Council-in-Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 19 will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Council Chambers, County Administration Building, 50 Colborne Street South in Simcoe.
Norfolk County Public Library (NCPL) is pleased to announce an upcoming accessibility project at the Port Rowan Branch that will improve access to library resources and enhance accessibility for all visitors.
March is National Procurement month, and Norfolk County is recognizing the valuable work of its Purchasing team this March as part of National Procurement Month.
Provincial funding from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry announced in January will enable Norfolk County to purchase gas monitoring equipment to strengthen Norfolk’s ability to respond to legacy gas well emergencies.
Flags at Governor Simcoe Square have been lowered to half-mast until Tuesday, March 5, in honour of The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney P.C. C.C. G.O.Q., 18th Prime Minister of Canada, who passed away on February 29, 2024.
2024 Norfolk Community Grants
Norfolk County is not accepting any applications for 2023.
The Norfolk County Grant Program is currently on hold while staff conducts a comprehensive review of the program.