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For all media inquiries, please contact Norfolk County's Corporate Communications Department.

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Phone: 519-420-9345
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Media releases

Leaf and Yard Waste program begins April 8

Norfolk’s urban leaf and yard waste collection begins April 8 in zone one (Simcoe and Long Point) and April 15 for zones two (Port Dover, Langton, and Port Rowan) and three (Turkey Point, Vittoria, St. Williams, Courtland, Delhi, and Waterford).

Health Unit reminds the public to enjoy the solar eclipse safely  

On Monday, April 8, Haldimand and Norfolk counties will be two of the few places in Canada within the path of totality for the solar eclipse. The path of totality is a narrow strip where the moon will completely cover the sun – blocking out its light.  

Upcoming Norfolk County office relocations 

On Tuesday, April 2, Norfolk County will reopen the County Administration Building at 50 Colborne Street South in Simcoe, with ServiceNorfolk, the County’s customer service team, providing in-person customer service on the first floor.