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Completed Application Forms shall be submitted to Tracey Rodrigues, Deputy County Clerk. They can be mailed to Norfolk County, Attn: Tracey Rodrigues, 50 Colborne St. S, Simcoe ON N3Y 4H3; or emailed to tracey.rodrigues@norfolkcounty.ca
Read about what it means to be a Library Board member at Become a Board Member https://tinyurl.com/NCPLboard-join
In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, members must meet the following qualifications. Please select the appropriate box below to confirm eligibility:
The following is a list of specific skills or knowledge that are considered to be assets (although not requirements) for Library Board membership. Please indicate your level of knowledge/familiarity with each:
By submitting this form, I hereby acknowledge and consent to the following:
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 and will be used to evaluate applications for appointees to local Boards and Committees. The disclosure of this information is governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M 56. Inquiries may be directed to the Clerk, address above.
The Norfolk County Grant Program is currently on hold while staff conducts a comprehensive review of the program.