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Ice Rentals

Rent ice at one of Norfolk County's five arenas in Langton, Port Dover, Port Rowan, Simcoe and Waterford.

Rental request form

To rent ice, submit an Ice Rental Request.

Ice Rental Request Form

Documents to review

Please review the following before your rental:

Ice rental rates

HST is extra on all rates. 

  • Primetime: weekends all day and weekdays from 5 - 10 p.m.
  • Morning non-prime: weekdays from 6:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • Non-prime: weekdays from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 - 11:30 p.m.

Click the facility's name to read more, view photos, location, etc. Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Facility (links to photos, hours, location, etc.) Capacity General usage, morning, non-prime General uses, non-prime General usage, prime
Delhi Arena Ice Pad 150 $91.00/hour $153.00/hour $215.00/hour
Langton Arena Ice Pad 150 $91.00/hour $153.00/hour $215.00/hour
Port Dover Arena Ice Pad 150 $91.00/hour $153.00/hour $215.00/hour
150 $91.00/hour $153.00/hour $215.00/hour
Waterford Tricenturena Ice Pad 150 $91.00/hour $153.00/hour $215.00/hour

72-Hour Ice Rental Discount

Rent ice within 72 hours of the rental time for a 30% last-minute discount. 

Learn more and book

Contact Us

Facility Rentals

Call: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 1016

Email Facility Bookings.

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