Recreation Policies
Learn more about cancellations, waitlists, refunds and more.
On this page
Registration deadlines
The deadline to register is one week before the start date and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register early to avoid disappointment of cancelled courses and programs due to low registration. All registrations require pre-payment.
Waitlists and reserved spots
You will be placed on a waitlist for full program or drop-in activities. If a spot becomes available, you will be notified by email.
Program participants requiring accommodation
Please contact Recreation Customer Service to connect with a member of the Recreation Team to set participants up for success and accommodate your needs.
Program changes and cancellations
Norfolk County may cancel or combine programs at any time before the start date. The County reserves the right to change the program time, location, or fee if necessary. If this happens, a registered participant will be eligible to receive a full refund or account credit.
During periods of inclement weather
Norfolk County makes every effort to keep facilities open during regular business hours. When a decision to close facilities is made staff will make every effort to notify registered participants. A closure message will be available at 519-426-5870 extension 2233#. Cancellations may be announced on myFM 98.9, on Facebook @NorfolkRecreation and Twitter @Norfolkrec and online. Program credits will automatically be applied. Refunds will be issued by request only.
Cancellations may occur occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances, including insufficient registrations, staffing levels, equipment failure, emergencies, and pool fouling. Staff will notify participants as soon as possible. If this occurs, a credit will be automatically applied to your account.
Missed days/classes
Absences from program days/classes due to illness, vacation, or any other reason will not be eligible for credit or refund, and make-up classes will not be available. Account credits may be given for extended absences due to injury or other extenuating circumstances.
Withdrawals may be made in person, by telephone, or by email. Non-attendance and requests made to program instructors or left on voicemail do not constitute a notice of withdrawal. Requests will be processed as of the date official notification is received by the Recreation Department and cannot be backdated.
All refunds or credits on account, except where specifically noted in Norfolk County’s Refund Policy, are subject to a $15 administrative fee. Multiple refunds or credits will be subject to a $15 administration fee for each program.
Refunds will only be issued to the participant who made the original payment. Refunds will only be issued by cheque. The County will make every effort to process the participant’s refund within 30 days.
Refund amounts less than $25, after the application of any administrative fee, will not be refunded by cheque, but in such cases will be applied as credits to the participant’s account.
In lieu of a refund, the participant may opt to receive a credit on their account of equal value. Credits on an account can be applied towards any future Norfolk County facility rental, program registration, admission to a drop-in program, purchase of a multiple admission pass, or membership.
Credits remaining on a participant account will not be removed from an account as long as the account is active. Accounts that have not registered a transaction in two years will be deemed inactive. If an account is deemed inactive any remaining credit will be cleared from the participant’s account.
Cancellations by Norfolk County
- If Norfolk County cancels a program or class in its entirety due to the failure to meet a minimum participation requirement, an instructor vacancy, a facility conflict, or a safety issue, participants will receive a 100% refund.
- In the case that a cancellation occurs during the course of a program or class, the refund or credit will be prorated.
Drop-In Programs
- There will be NO REFUNDS for drop-in programs.
- Cancellations are accepted if made 48 hours or more in advance of registered times, which will result in a credit on account.
- No administrative fee applies.
Registered Weekly Programs
- Participants are eligible for a full refund if a withdrawal request is received 7 or more calendar days before the program start date. No administrative fee applies.
- Participants are eligible for a refund or credit on account if a withdrawal request is received less than 7 days prior to the program start date.
- Participants are eligible for a credit on account if a withdrawal request is received on the program start date, but no later than the day of the third class of the program. The credit will be prorated based on the remaining time left of the program.
- Withdrawal requests made on or after the day of the third class of the program, regardless of the class start time, will be processed for medical reasons only and must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.
Single-Day Programs and Camps - Participants are eligible for a full refund or credit on account if a withdrawal request is received 7 or more calendar days before the program start date. No administrative fee applies.
- Participants are eligible for a credit on account if a withdrawal request is received between 7 calendar days and 3 calendar days before the program start date.
- Withdrawal requests made on or after 3 calendar days before the program start date, regardless of the start time, will be processed for medical reasons only and must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.
Transfers and late program entry
Transfers and late program entry are subject to availability, and any difference in fees must be paid at the time of transfer. Contact Customer Service for more information.
Photography policy
Cell phones or any other devices designed to take photographs are prohibited in all recreation facilities' change room and washroom areas, as well as in the pool viewing areas of the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre and Delhi Kinsmen Pool in Norfolk County. Contact Recreation Customer Service for permission to record activities.