Seniors Groups
Discover engaging educational, recreational, and social programs for seniors 50+ in Norfolk County.
Port Dover Seniors Centre
Since March 2022, the Centre has offered fitness and wellness programs, art and creative writing courses, and a café for people 50+. Visit For more information, contact
Senior Games
The Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk District 25 Seniors Games welcomes all adults 55+ looking to participate in friendly competition with the opportunity to progress to Provincial and National
competitions in a sport or activity of your choice. Contact us today to get involved in the OSGA Games by calling 519-865-6454. Visit for more information.
The Probus Club of Norfolk #181
Social club for retirees with interest groups for euchre, bridge, walking, travel, cooking, gardening, and more. Main meeting is on the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the Port Dover
Community Centre. For more information, contact Miriam Mackenzie at 519-583-3972.
Waterford Senior Activity Group
Meeting on Wednesday afternoons at Waterford Old Town Hall. Euchre Fee: $3 per year. Contact Melanie Culbert at 226-240-5814.
Lynn River Probus Club
We are a social club for retired and semi-retired individuals who wish to experience fellowship, friendship and fun! Our meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the
Simcoe Library. Contact us at for further details.
Stonebridge Community Services
Stonebridge Community Services offers a variety of in-person and online exercise programs for adults 55+, including group exercise, fall prevention, and walking classes. All classes are FREE, but preregistration is required. For more information, including class days, times and locations, please call
519-842-3200, ext. 209.
South Coast Probus Club
Social club for retirees and semi-retirees who appreciate and value opportunities for social contacts, discussion of topical subjects, visits to places of interest and involvement in activities of interest to the members. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the Port Dover
Community Centre. Contact
Probus Men’s Club of Simcoe & District
Social club for retired men from all walks of life. Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at St. James United Church Hall. To learn more, contact Murray Uren at
226-440-2699 or