Man planting a tree in a garden

Norfolk County Tree Planting Program offers free trees to homeowners in Norfolk County.

Trees are planted within your property’s County-owned road allowance. Norfolk County strives to maintain the treed character along its roadways and preserve and enhance tree canopy cover throughout the County.

About the program

  • One (1) tree is permitted per residential lot on the road allowance
  • Up to two (2) trees are permitted on a corner lot (one tree on each road frontage)
  • Trees will not be planted in boulevards where the grass width is less than 1.5m
  • Forestry Staff will conduct a site visit to determine the suitability of the planting site, utility restrictions, sight line clearance, drainage, and available species selections

  • Tree planting will take place in the spring or fall, depending on tree availability

To request a tree

Applicants will be selected based on the suitability of planting sites for the species available and on a first-come, first-served basis.