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Create an account on Norfolk County's Virtual County Hall (VCH) website to manage your property tax account(s).

Tax Rates

Tax rates are determined by the budgets approved by Norfolk County Council.

Tax rates

Based on the County’s annual budget and the returned assessment roll, tax rates are established and billed against each property's taxable assessment. 

Periodically, the County receives notifications from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Assessment Review Board to reduce and/or increase property assessment. After receiving the notification, tax accounts are adjusted, and the property owner is notified. Adjustments involving current-year assessments are made only after the final billing. 

View full 2024 Rates (PDF)

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Property Class County Tax Rate Education Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
 Residential 1.355816%  0.153000% 1.508816%
Residential Farmland Awaiting Development 0.338954% 0.038250% 0.377204%
Multi-Residential 2.295261% 0.153000% 2.448261%
New Multi-Residential 1.355816% 0.153000% 1.508816%
Commercial (Occupied) 2.295261% 0.880000% 3.175261%
Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.537825% 0.880000% 2.417825%
Industrial (Occupied) 2.295261% 0.880000% 3.175261%
Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.537825% 0.880000% 2.417825%
Pipelines 2.019352% 0.880000% 2.899352%
Farmland 0.311838% 0.038250% 0.350088%
Small Scale On Farm Business 0.573815% 0.220000% 0.793815%
Managed Forests 0.338954% 0.038250% 0.377204%

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

View full 2023 Rates (PDF)

Property Class County Tax Rate Education Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
Residential 1.265740% 0.153000% 1.418740%
Residential Farmland Awaiting Development 0.316435% 0.038250% 0.354685%
Multi-Residential 2.142771% 0.153000% 2.295771%
Commercial (Occupied) 2.142771% 0.880000% 3.022771%
Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.435660% 0.880000% 2.315660%
Industrial (Occupied) 2.142771% 0.880000% 3.022771%
Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.435660% 0.880000% 2.315660%
Pipelines 1.885193% 0.880000% 2.765193%
Farmland 0.291120% 0.038250% 0.329370%
Small Scale On Farm Business 0.535690% 0.220000% 0.755690%
Managed Forests 0.316440% 0.038250% 0.354690%

View full 2022 Rates (PDF)

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Property Class County Tax Rate Education Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
Residential 1.189850% 0.153000% 1.342850%
Residential Farmland Awaiting Development 0.297460% 0.038250% 0.335710%
Multi-Residential 2.014300% 0.153000% 2.167300%
Commercial (Occupied) 2.014300% 0.880000% 2.894300%
Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.349580% 0.880000% 2.229580%
Industrial (Occupied) 2.014300% 0.880000% 2.894300%
Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.349580% 0.880000% 2.229580%
Pipelines 1.772160% 0.880000% 2.652160%
Farmland 0.273670% 0.038250% 0.311920%
Small Scale On Farm Business 0.503570% 0.220000% 0.723570%
Managed Forests 0.297460% 0.038250% 0.335710%

View full 2021 Rates (PDF)

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Property Class County Tax Rate Education Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
Residential 1.158900% 0.153000% 1.311900%
Residential Farmland Awaiting Development 0.289730% 0.038250% 0.327980%
Multi-Residential 1.961900% 0.153000% 2.114900%
Commercial (Occupied) 1.961900% 0.880000% 2.841900%
Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.314470% 0.880000% 2.194470%
Industrial (Occupied) 1.961900% 0.880000% 2.841900%
Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.314470% 0.880000% 2.194470%
Pipelines 1.726070% 0.880000% 2.606070%
Farmland 0.266550% 0.038250% 0.304800%
Small Scale On Farm Business 0.490480% 0.220000% 0.710480%
Managed Forests 0.289730% 0.038250% 0.327980%

View full 2020 Rates (PDF)

Scroll the tables horizontally on smaller screens to see all columns.

Property Class County Tax Rate Education Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
Residential 1.110380% 0.153000% 1.263380%
Residential Farmland Awaiting Development 0.277600% 0.038250% 0.315850%
Multi-Residential 1.879760% 0.153000% 2.032760%
Commercial (Occupied) 1.879760% 1.250000% 3.129760%
Commercial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.259440% 1.250000% 2.509440%
Commercial (New Construction) 1.879760% 0.980000% 2.859760%
Commercial (New Constr) Excess/Vacant 1.259440% 0.980000% 2.239440%
Shopping Centre (New Construction) 1.879760% 0.980000% 2.859760%
Shopping Ctr (New Constr.) Excess/Vacant Land 1.259440% 0.980000% 2.239440%
Industrial (Occupied) 1.879760% 1.250000% 3.129760%
Industrial Excess Lands/Vacant Lands 1.259440% 1.250000% 2.509440%
Industrial (New Construction) 1.879760% 0.980000% 2.859760%
Industrial (New Construction) Excess Lands 1.259440% 0.980000% 2.239440%
Pipelines 1.653800% 1.250000% 2.903800%
Farmland 0.255390% 0.038250% 0.293640%
Small Scale On Farm Business 0.469940% 0.245000% 0.714940%
Managed Forests 0.277600% 0.382500% 0.660100%

Education tax rates

The Province regulates education tax rates. All school support within the tax class is billed using the same tax rate. The tax class is defined by:

  • EP - English Public
  • FP - French Public
  • ES - English Separate
  • FC - French Catholic
  • N - Not designated for any specific school support but rather is divided amongst the various boards based on student enrollment percentages provided by the Province
The codes for school support are indicated on your tax bill along with the Tax Class. For example:
  • RTEP - Residential Taxable Full English Public
  • RTES - Residential Taxable Full English Separate

School support information is maintained by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) for every property in Ontario. 

According to Section 16(4) of the Assessment Act, the default designation is English-Public unless otherwise requested by the owner or tenant. 

The requirements for property owners to indicate their school support are outlined in Sections 236 and 237 of the Education Act, and more information is available on MPAC’s website. Please note that school support can only be changed annually when MPAC provides the official Property Tax Roll. It may take a full year to see your support changed for your property.

Calculating your property taxes

To calculate the approximate amount of your property taxes, multiply your Assessed Property Value by the appropriate rate. For example, for a property valued at $100,000, multiply by the tax rate of 0.0119641:

  • $100,000 x 1.19641% = $1,196.41

See Tax Rates above for a detailed breakdown of property tax rates. The Total Tax Rate column includes the education plus the municipal tax rates.

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50 Colborne Street South
Simcoe, Ontario
N3Y 4H3

Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 0

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