To ensure that Norfolk County plans for efficient growth over the long term, the Planning Department is embarking on a Growth Management Study that will establish long-term growth management principles and identify opportunities and options to consider to accommodate a made-in-Norfolk vision of growth to 2051.
Growth Management on EngageNorfolk
What is a Growth Management Study?
A Growth Management Study:
- Provides guidance on where to direct growth within a municipality to accommodate the projected population and economic growth over the planning horizon and
- The study is considered a comprehensive review that will be utilized during the next five-year Official Plan review process or development of a new Official Plan.
What’s included in the study?
A review of the:
- historical population and economic growth
- number and type of Building Permits issued
- existing land supply
- infrastructure system and capacity
- overarching policy framework
Workplan and Project Timeline
Phase 1: Project Initiation
- Project Kick-Off
- Terms of Reference
- Engagement Strategy
Phase 2A: Policy Review and Technical Reports
- Context Report
- Planning Act and PPS Conformity Exercise
- Includes a review of Short Term Rentals and Accessory Residential Dwelling Units
- Land Evaluation Study
Phase 2B: Growth Projections
- Watson & Associates are completing the growth projections.
Phase 3: Opportunities and Options
- Conformity Recommendations
- Options Reports & Land Study
- Monitoring Options
Phase 4: Preferred Direction Reports
- Policy Recommendations
- Monitoring Details
- Amendments, if required
How to be involved?
Share your ideas
- Visit: EngageNorfolk
- Write: Planning Department 12 Gilbertson Dr, Simcoe, ON N3Y 3N3
- Email:
- Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-Norfolk, extension 1842